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Grab Coupons & Voucher Codes December, 2024

Grab is your all-in-one platform, offering essential services and earning opportunities. Unlock savings with promo codes and earn reward points with every transaction. Whether it's a ride, delivery, or secure payment, Grab makes everyday life more convenient and rewarding.

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Unlock Unlimited Rides at Grab - No Limits on Your Journeys

Get unlimited rides for up to 14 passengers with Grab’s flexible 4, 8 or 12 hour rental options. Book your group trip today.

Affordable Private Rides - Up to 6 Passengers

Book private rides for up to 6 passengers with Grab. Enjoy affordable fares for every trip, comfort has never been this affordable.

Unlock Grab Rewards Points with Grab Pay

Get rewarded with Grab Rewards points every time you use Grab Pay. Only Grab Pay gives you the chance to earn rewards.

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How can customers cancel a GrabExpress delivery?

To cancel a GrabExpress booking, use the Grab app or GrabExpress Web portal. Cancellation is possible if a driver has not yet been allocated or within a few minutes after a driver has been assigned.

What should I do if I don't get a store receipt?

If the store receipt is missing, ask the driver to take a clear photo of the bill upon delivery. This ensures both the customer and the driver have valid proof of payment.

Why was the delivery fee higher during my order?

During periods of high demand, the delivery fee may increase. This is done to encourage more Delivery-Partners to become available, ensuring faster order fulfilment.

What are GrabGifts in Grab?

GrabGifts are e-vouchers offering fixed discounts for Grab services like Transport, Food, Mart, or Express. They are perfect for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, appreciation, employee incentives, or customer loyalty initiatives.

How can customers shop with GrabRewards Points?

Customers can use GrabRewards Points to offset part of the payment at participating GrabPay merchants. After selecting Pay, scan the merchant's QR code, enter the total amount, and choose how many points to apply. Ensure the GrabPay Credits balance is sufficient before applying the discount.

About Grab

Grab plays a vital role in the everyday lives of millions throughout Southeast Asia, smoothly diving into daily routines. From delivering meals to offering convenient rides, Grab has become an indispensable part of how people move and dine. The brand’s focus on economic empowerment is evident as it continues to provide opportunities that drive the region forward. Through a variety of services, Grab ensures that it meets the different needs of its users.

With GrabFood, customers can easily have their favourite dishes delivered right to their doorsteps, making it simple to satisfy any craving. GrabMart further boosts convenience by allowing users to shop for groceries and other essentials without leaving home. These services ensure that whatever is needed, whether a meal or daily necessities, is always within easy reach. Grab's commitment to convenience makes life simpler and more enjoyable.

For quick and reliable deliveries, GrabExpress offers a dependable option for sending packages, documents, and more. Whether it’s a critical parcel or a last-minute delivery, GrabExpress guarantees safe and timely arrivals. Additionally, Grab’s Mobility services provide various vehicle choices, ensuring safe and comfortable journeys from point A to point B. This combination of reliable transport and delivery options makes Grab a trusted partner in everyday tasks.

Beyond transportation and delivery, Grab also supports a cashless lifestyle through its Financial Services. GrabPay offers secure payments, both online and in-store, while Grab's accessible insurance options provide everyday protection. The brand also adds value through GrabGifts, rewards, and promo codes, strengthening the overall user experience. Every interaction with Grab becomes more rewarding, making it a preferred choice for millions across the region.

How to use Grab coupons

  1. Tap 'Offer' when booking a ride or delivery(food, mart, express) to see available options.
  2. Click on 'Add Promo' to apply discounts.
  3. Manually enter a promo code.
  4. After entering or selecting a promo, tap 'Use now' to apply it.
  5. The discounted amount will appear on the app after the promo is applied.
  6. An error message will display if the promo code is invalid.
  7. If valid, the promo will be successfully applied to your booking.