

China foreign minister calls to 'stabilize relations' with US

Agence France-Presse
China foreign minister calls to 'stabilize relations' with US
This combination of file pictures created on June 08, 2021, shows US President Joe Biden (L) speaking at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC on June 2, 2021; and Chinese President Xi Jinping speaking on arrival at Macau's international airport on December 18, 2019. President Joe Biden and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping spoke by phone on July 28, 2022, on mounting tensions over Taiwan, a festering trade dispute and their bid to keep the superpower rivalry in check. The White House said the phone call started at 8:33 am in Washington (1233 GMT). A statement would be issued after the call ended, a spokesman said. While this was Biden's fifth talk with Xi since becoming president a year and a half ago, it's getting hard to mask deepening mistrust between the two countries.
AFP / Mandel Ngan, Anthony Wallace

BEIJING, China — Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with the US ambassador on Monday, Beijing said, during which he said the "top priority" was to stabilize relations between the rival powers.

Qin's discussions with Nicholas Burns in Beijing are one of the highest level meetings between the two countries since Washington shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon over the United States in early February.

The incident led US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to abruptly call off a rare trip to China.

According to Chinese state media, Qin told Burns: "The top priority is to stabilize China-US relations, avoid a downward spiral and prevent accidents from occurring between China and the United States. 

"This should be the basic consensus between the two countries and is also the bottom line that must be upheld when dealing with state-to-state relations, especially ties between two major countries."

Qin told Burns that relations between the two countries were of "great significance", but that "a series of erroneous words and deeds by the US side" has undermined their progress since Chinese President Xi Jinping met US counterpart Joe Biden in Bali last November.

State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said that Burns spoke to Qin "about the areas where our two countries can cooperate, such as addressing the challenge of the climate crisis", improving global health and addressing shipments of fentanyl drugs.

"Maintaining open lines of communication with the PRC has been a key tenet of our approach, as it relates to this very complicated bilateral relationship," Patel told reporters in Washington, referring to the People's Republic of China.

Qin headed to Europe on Monday, where he will meet with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and French counterpart Catherine Colonna, before travelling to Norway.

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