News Commentary |
A portal of daily newspapers covering Philippine news headlines, business, lifestyle, advertisement, sports and entertainment. Also delivers Manila and Cebu news.

Mar 08 (2 weeks ago)
It took a tragedy to spark action: the heartbreaking story of six-year-old Sandy Garrovillas, whose life was cut short during what should have been a birthday celebration.
News Commentary
Mar 01 (3 weeks ago)
If we use news and social media accounts as an indicator, a typical person anywhere in the world would likely be most concerned with economic issues.
News Commentary
Feb 22 (1 month ago)
Infrastructure is a buzz word these days, and it sounds as though it could easily be the key, as it actually is, to a nation’s progress and development.
News Commentary
Feb 15 (1 month ago)
The campaign period for the 2025 national elections has officially started and the country once again is transforming into a grand political festival.
News Commentary
Feb 11 (1 month ago)
China is not a perfect society.
News Commentary