May the Force be with you
May 20, 2005 | 12:00am
I am a Star Wars baby. One of the first films I actually remember from my childhood was Star Wars and I recall being amazed by what was, at the time, the most astounding special effects I had ever seen. I watched with eyes wide open as the Storm Troopers invaded Princess Leia Organas ship while R2D2 and C3PO dashed off to get help. I could barely contain my glee when Luke first found Old Ben Kenobi (who, to this day, is one of my favorite movie characters of all time) and first found out about the Jedi. And I watched, captivated, as Hans Solo along with the beloved Chewbacca expertly maneuvered his famous tin can The Millennium Falcon.
Ill never forget what that was like for me, watching Star Wars for the first time. It instantly became my favorite movie and unlike those who saw it first when it came out in the theater, I saw George Lucas magnum opus on VHS tape so I didnt have to wait a whole year for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It was a life-altering experience for me and those six plus odd hours instilled in me a deep love of the Star Wars universe that hasnt faded since.
Star Wars holds a special place in my heart. Perhaps its not just because it was the first film I truly got into when I was younger but also because it represented a time when I still believed the possibility of the things depicted in the movie as being real. In my eight-year-old brain I believed it was possible that somewhere far off in another galaxy Darth Vader was aboard his Death Star and Luke was practicing the Force in a swamp with Master Yoda on his back. Heck, I believed that with enough practice I could be a Jedi too.
The movie taught me about good versus evil and how believing in yourself would help you overcome insurmountable odds. It taught me about life in general and how hard work and dedication will help you achieve your goals but that its not always easy and there are times that youll face hardships along the way. I cheered for the good guys but at the same time I respected the bad ones. I got so engrossed in the film and the story that when Return of the Jedi ended I really felt like I was saying goodbye to new friends I had made. Seriously, to this day, I cant even remember the number of times I watched those three VHS tapes. By the time I was 10, I had memorized the script of all three movies.
Which brings me to another point of adoration, who doesnt love the killer one-liners and amazing monologues from the Star Wars trilogy? "May the Force be with you," "If you strike me down I will become far more powerful than you can ever imagine" and, one of my personal favorites, "You came here in that thing? Youre braver than I thought!" Not to mention the amazing characters and kick-ass costumes like Leias metal bikini in Jaba the Huts palace or Lukes awesome all-black ensemble (which, lets face it, was probably the only cool thing about him) or even Hans Solos galaxy pirate look and Obi-Wan Kenobis long flowing brown robes (which wed later find out were the standard Jedi outfits). It spurned children across the globe to try and dress like their favorite characters (myself included) and I think, at one point or another, everyone has had a Star Wars Halloween costume.
Yes, I truly love those movies and as the years progressed I became more and more of a Star Wars geek and Im not ashamed to admit it. I collected action figures, played the video games, collected stickers, and even read the novels. Of course, when I was younger I hadnt realized that the three films were actually already Parts 4, 5, and 6. Its been a few years since Episode I came out but I still recall the feeling of excitement and total anticipation I felt when George Lucas announced that he would be making the prequel.
And what did I think of the first movie when it finally came out? Well, to be quite honest it wasnt as spectacular as I thought it would be. I think I may have been expecting too much considering my love for the original but despite the newer (much better) special effects it still didnt send the same thrill through me that Star Wars did. Maybe it was because I was older, or maybe because some of the acting wasnt as good (and by that I mean little Anakin which was too bad because Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, and Natalie Portman were great!), or heck, maybe it was even just that damn Jar Jar Binks, but Episode I, for me, fell short of that original Star Wars magic. Episode II only did just a little better. It was too full of effects that I felt the storyline suffered (as in, where was it?!) Some of the few saving graces at this point were Ewan McGregors fabulous Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yodas awesome fight scene (that little guy sure can go!), and the desire to see the movie come full circle.
By this time I will already have seen the movie (I snagged the May 18 tickets) along with my fellow Star Wars fans and friends some of which include Jedis Nino, Miguel, and Philip and Darth Dors and Darth Cholo, our resident Sith. Words cannot explain how excited I am to see this film yet at the same time, deep down, Im also starting to feel the same sad feeling I got when I was eight years old and Return of the Jedi was ending. Oh well, I guess thats what DVDs are for!
So, to fellow Star Wars lovers out there who can relate to every single word I said, may the Force be with all of you as Episode III finally closes over 20 years of work in the Star Wars universe and the conclusion of unprecedented movie magic. In a somewhat backward gesture Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, and Hayden Christensen turn over the reins to Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Alec Guinness as Episode III finally bridges the gap. Lets all hope this one is as incredible as the original and while this may be the last movie its certainly not the end, at least not for me. Star Wars (in its entirety) will forever live on in everyones hearts and minds. Heres to more amazing adventures in a galaxy far, far away!
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