Get That Bikini Bod!
April 22, 2002 | 12:00am
Do the abdominal crunch. Try 15 to 20 reps per set (do three sets) and work yourself to do more soon as you get comfortable with the exercise. Perform sideways also to get rid of those side flabs.
ABDOMINAL DO’s and DON’TS: Do look straight up. If you lodge chin into chest, the position won’t allow for a full crunch and maximum effectivity. Lightly place your fingers behind your head. Pulling head with hands might bring injuries to the neck Leave elbows open wide.
Lunges are the best exercise for your inner and outer thighs. Do 12 to 15 reps per set (do three sets) and your legs will definitely feel the difference. Be sure to do leg stretching before this exercise.
LUNGE DO’S and DON’TS: Lunge forward making sure your knee doesn’t go over your ankle. Keep body straight. Slouching won’t help you get that desired stretch. Place both hands on hips for balance.
Leg lifts are a perfect exercise for your thighs and hips. The lifting action isolates your lower body and tones the muscles as well. Do 12 to 15 reps per set (do three sets on both sides)
LEG LIFTS DO’S and DON’TS: Do bend lower knee with foot behind for support. You need not keep leg extremely straight. That might injure your back. Rest your head on your hand while propped up on your elbow. Lift leg only to height of your hip. Don’t think that the higher your lift, the more effective the exercise becomes. Nope, it doesn’t work that way, honey.
To tone your arms, do the bicep curl! If you’re a beginner, start with two to four-pound dumbells for added pressure. Do 12 to 15 reps per set (do three sets). Keep your elbows locked into your stomach and don’t forget to breathe!
BICEP CURLS DO’S and DON’TS: Face your palms up. This is the correct position. Make sure that your upper body is upright. Slouching might hurt your back as you do the exercise. Stand with your legs apart and slightly bend knees. This provides for more balance as you curl in and out.
After the biceps, you have to work the opposite end of your arms as wellyour triceps. Tricep extension is an exercise wherein you lift two to four-pound dumbells from an elbow-bent position to a full stretch upwards. Do 12 to 15 reps (do three sets) and feel the stretch from your shoulder to your arm to your back.
TRICEP EXTENSIONS DO’S and DON’TS: Lock elbows in close to your head. Keep your back straight. Butt out, stomach in. Remember, good posture is always important in exercising. Do very controlled movements. Feel the extension. Doing it haphazardly won’t create the desired effect and might even injure you in the process.
EXERCISE TIDBITS Drink lots and lots of water, before, during, and after your workout. Don’t overdo yourself. Know when to stop. Time it right. Work out in the a.m. to boost energy levels all day. Make sure you do warm up and cool down stretches and breathing. Don’t take a shower immediately after your work out. Rest for at least 15 minutes.
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