Swiss foundation, Pinoys abroad raise P432-M 'Yolanda' donations

Screengrab of the Swiss Solidarity website (

MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos in Switzerland helped a foundation there in raising multi-million peso donations for the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan).

Swiss Solidarity, a foundation that raises funds for humanitarian relief and rehabilitation projects, gathered pledges of donations worth Swiss Franc 9,025,989 million (P432 million) in a six-hour telethon held on November 18, the Philippine Embassy in Switzerland said.

The Embassy said the event, which was dubbed as the Swiss National Day of Solidarity with the Philippines, was participated by Filipinos who took phone calls or provided food for the volunteers.

Over 850 volunteers across Switzerland enlisted for the telethon, according to Swiss Solidarity Managing Director Tony Burgener.

"The event showed that the traditional bayanihan spirit is also very much alive in Switzerland, not just among the members of the Filipino community who also organized fund-raising activities for the typhoon victims, but also among the Swiss who worked hand-in-hand with Filipinos across the country in making the event a success," the Embassy said.

The event, which had five telethon centers across Switzerland, was held in cooperation with the Swiss public radio and television. 

Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) barreled through the central Philippines nearly two weeks ago, leaving devastated communities in the Eastern Visayas and over 4,000 people dead.

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