Indonesia province to punish gay sex by caning

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — Lawmakers in Indonesia's conservative Aceh province have passed a law that makes gay sex punishable by caning and subjects non-Muslims to it too.

The law passed Saturday says anal sex between men is punishable by up to 100 lashes. Women found guilty of "rubbing" their body parts against each other for sexual pleasure are also liable for caning.

Lawmaker Mahyaruddin Yusuf says the law was passed unanimously by the outgoing 69-member assembly on its last day of work.

Indonesia's secular central government granted Aceh the right to implement a version of Islamic Shariah law as part of a peace deal to end a separatist war.

People convicted of adultery, gambling and consuming alcohol already face caning, as do women wearing tight clothes and people who skip Friday Muslim prayers.

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