Saudi opens 3 specialized centers for MERS-CoV

RIYADH (Xinhua) - Saudi Arabia has set three special centers across the country to deal with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus cases, as the death toll has risen to 94 among a total of 323 infected cases, its Health Ministry said on Saturday.

The three centers are King Abdullah Medical Complex in Jeddah, Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh and Dammam Medical Complex in Eastern Region.

The three complexes have 146 intensive care beds, all of which are equipped with isolation rooms with the latest medical equipment and labs, in addition to out-patients clinics. More similar centers will be announced later in other parts of the country.

"This step comes as part of the emergency plan aiming to contain the spread of the virus. A number of medical preventive and curative procedures will be taken," acting Health Minister Adel bin Mohammed Faqih said. He assured that the ministry is studying all possible options to address this challenge.

Meantime the ministry said that ten new cases were confirmed on Saturday, including one death in the past 24 hours. Of the new cases, one is without symptoms, three receiving treatment at the wards and five cases at the ICU.

The first diagnosed case in the world was reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia where the majority of the cases have been recorded so far.


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