Bill Gates to donate to Indonesian health care

JAKARTA (Xinhua) - Bill Gates, an American billionaire and founder of Microsoft Corp, and eight Indonesian prominent businessmen pledged on Saturday $80 million to helping Indonesian government in addressing public health problem across the country.

Bill Gates who represents his charity foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, pledged $40 million, while eight Indonesian businessmen pledged $5 million each.

The funds would be channeled to Global Fund under the supervision of Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi. About 75 percent of the funds would be used to finance Indonesia's efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria diseases. The remaining 25 percent goes to global efforts to tackle polio disease.

"This is a historic example of public-planned philanthropy," Nafsiah Mboi said in her remarks to witness the charity event held in a lavish hotel here.

"We commit ourselves to do even more for the health of children and adults here in Indonesia," Bill Gates said in his remarks in the event.

Nafsiah said that Bill Gates had already been Indonesia's partner in developing vaccines carried out by the nation's leading pharmaceutical firm Biofarma. Bill Gates helped the technology aspect to the Indonesia's efforts, the minister said.

She added that Indonesia expects further partnership with Gates & Melinda Foundation in the production of other vaccines. It would help Indonesia to increase its self-reliance in pharmaceutical and capacity in international market.

Nafsiah said that in October last year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Tahir Foundation donated $130 million to help Indonesia addressing public health issue.

Forbes magazine listed Bill Gates as the richest man the United States, and the second one in the world with total wealth of $74 billion.   

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