EU reiterates political solution to crisis in Syria

BEIRUT (Xinhua) - Visiting Chairman of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Elmar Brok wished Saturday the Geneva 2 Conference success "despite weak and limited hope," to find a solution to the crisis in Syria, which will also benefit Lebanon, which suffered the overflow of displaced Syrians.

Brok's remarks came following two separate meetings he had with President Michel Suleiman and caretaker Prime Minister NajibMikati in presence of the Ambassador of the European Union in Beirut Angelina Eichhorst, and German MPs Frank Heinrich and Tobias Zech.

The EU official said "we realize that the chances of success for this conference are restricted and that it would not solve the many problems in Syria, but there are chances with the conference for Lebanon and Syria who are suffering from the political differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran to do better in the future."

He stressed "the EU is a partner in the ongoing negotiations. The EU council stressed its commitment to continue helping the Syrians inside Syria and those displaced to Lebanon and the neighboring countries," noting that the EU planned to offer 2 million Euros to Lebanon to help deal with the humanitarian crisis represented by the high influx of Syrian refugees to the country.

Brok reiterated "the EU fully supports a political solution in Syria and will exert all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, including humanitarian access inside Syria."

The European official also visited a UNHCR refugee registration center on Saturday.

Turning to the domestic issues, Brok has called for respect for the "Declaration of Baabda," and especially "political dissociation" with respect to the conflict in Syria.

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