'US new sanctions counterproductive to nuclear negotiations'

TEHRAN (Xinhua) - The US new sanctions against some entities allegedly linked to Iran's nuclear activities is a counterproductive move which may hurt the nuclear deal recently reached between Iran and the P5+1, some Iranian officials said on Saturday.

Head of Iran's Majlis (parliament) Research Center Kazzem Jalali criticized the new US sanctions against Iranian firms and individuals as a measure against confidence-building which underlay the negotiations between Tehran and six major world powers in Geneva on Nov. 24, according to semi-official Fars news agency.

"We should try to make these talks bear fruit and the new decision by the United States to impose new sanctions is in violation of sincere and confidence-building talks," Jalali was quoted as saying on Saturday.

He said the West does not have a clear understanding of the Iranian society's realities and for the same reason it commits mistake in its decision-makings about Iran.

The United States on Thursday blacklisted additional companies and individuals for evading earlier sanctions against Iran and supporting its nuclear program.

Washington accused five entities and individuals of attempting to evade international sanctions against Iran and tens of others of involving in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction- related materiel, said a statement issued by the US government.

Meanwhile, head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iran's Majlis, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said the sanctions by the United States are "definitely a violation" of Geneva deal and they may foster the idea that "the United States cannot be trusted."  

"The recent action of the Americans also shows that they are not independent in their policies and merely follow the Zionist lobbies," Boroujerdi was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.

In the meantime, Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei warned the US move would have serious repercussions on Tehran-Sextet nuclear talks.

"Although American officials link the recent measures to the sanctions imposed (on Iran) before the Geneva talks, such moves can, at this juncture, have serious negative consequences on the trend of the negotiations," Khazaei was quoted as saying by Press TV.    

He added the measure would fuel skepticism about Washington's good faith.

"At this juncture, the negative implications of this move will deepen the suspicions of the Iranian nation and the international community which are waiting for a comprehensive win-win agreement as a result of the talks," Khazaei said.

"The move will also see the negotiations lose international and Iranian support," the Iranian envoy said.

Washington's recent measure would also dash the negotiators' hope for reaching a "logical, lasting and constructive deal" during the talks, he added.

"In this sensitive situation, it's better to avoid any move which would ruin the current positive atmosphere," Press TV quoted Khazaei as saying.

In addition, Iranian lawmakers and some specialists are working on a plan to decide on the level of uranium enrichment in the country, Abolqasem Jarrareh, a member of Iran's Majlis Principalist faction, told Mehr Saturday.  

"Currently, our needs are limited to fuels of power plants, which are only a small part of the project. Developed countries need much higher levels of enrichment," he said.

Commenting on nuclear fuel of Iran's ocean-going ships, he said that to provide the fuel for shipping, Iran would need to enrich uranium up to 65-percent purity.  

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