China announces new measures to curb air pollution

In this file photo a street becomes clogged with traffic in Shanghai, China. With more than 13 million cars sold in China last year, motor vehicles have emerged as the chief culprit for the throat-choking air pollution in big cities. (AP)

BEIJING — China's Cabinet has announced measures to curb the country's notorious air pollution, one of the many environmental challenges facing the country that are increasingly angering the public.

The broad measures approved by the State Council include putting strict controls in place for industries that produce large amounts of waste and pollution, but it will likely be up to local governments to work out the details.

In a meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang, the State Council approved 10 "tough measures to accomplish tough tasks," the council said in a statement on its website late Friday. These include a target to reduce pollution emissions by at least 30 percent in heavy-polluting industries by the end of 2017.

China's growing middle class has become increasingly fed up with air, water and soil pollution that has resulted from development-at-all costs policies.

Members of the public, which has virtually no say on industrial projects, often protest against factories or petrochemical plants they fear could affect their health.

In its announcement of the new measures, the State Council said local governments should shoulder the general responsibilities for local air quality.

During periods of heavy pollution, the local governments should enact emergency response measures, such as restricting traffic or enacting emissions limits for polluting industries, it said.

Strict controls will be put in place for industries that produce large amounts of waste and pollution and hope to expand, while efforts to eliminate outdated technology in the steel and cement industries, among others, will be strengthened, it said. Construction projects that fail to pass environmental evaluations should not receive permission to go ahead.

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