Taiwanese media mark anniversary of historic cross-strait talks

BEIJING - Taiwanese newspapers published editorials on Saturday to mark the 20th anniversary of historic cross-strait talks held in Singapore.

Wang Daohan, president of the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and Koo Chen-fu, head of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), held a historic meeting in Singapore in April 1993.

Founded in 1991 and 1990, respectively, ARATS and SEF are authorized by the mainland and Taiwan to handle cross-strait affairs.

The 1993 meeting was the first to be held by the organizations' leaders. They signed four agreements on economic and trade cooperation.

The China Times said the talks helped reduce tensions, promote mutual trust and strengthen regional security.

The paper called on the two sides to set up a mechanism to discuss and solve issues systematically and comprehensively.

An editorial carried in Saturday's United Daily News also commemorated the 20th anniversary of the talks, calling on both sides to resolutely refrain from harming each other.   

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