4 high school students engage in sex video

BACOLOD CITY, Philippines— Four high school students in this city have been meted disciplinary action after being involved in a sex video that was recorded inside the school campus and uploaded on the Internet.

The principal of the public high school in this city, told The Freeman last Friday that the Department of Education (DepEd) higher office directed him to impose disciplinary actions against the students, and to press charges against those involved in the scandal, including those who uploaded it on social media.

The principal admitted that those seen in the video are their students, who also admitted doing the act.

The 11-minute video involved a 14 -year-old girl and three boys, one of them a minor. The video showed a girl and a boy, still in school uniforms, doing obscene acts near the wall of the campus. One of the boys watched them, another boy was taping the video. "We apologize to those who have been affected by the viral video," he said.

The principal said the incident happened one afternoon last month, while classes were going on, and those involved apparently skipped their classes.

The video went viral after it was uploaded during the end of January, but they were not able to investigate immediately, as they were busy with the Batang Pinoy National Championship Games, which Bacolod City hosted from January 28 to February 1.

The principal said investigation is still ongoing and that he had met with the students involved and their respective parents, and disclosed that the case was already reported to the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

He said their school is doing steps "to block and delete the video" from the different social networking sites, but he admitted that they have difficulty in tracing other sites where the video was allegedly uploaded. "We felt frustrated for what happened," he claimed.

He said they will file charges against those who uploaded the video, and those caught possessing and spreading the video. The faculty and staff of the school have condemned the act, which was the first to happen in their school, he said.

To avoid possible recurrence of similar incident, the principal said that they have hired two additional security guards to intensify campus patrol, as the school covers a wide area, he said.

Augmentation personnel have been assigned to the school by the barangay. The principal appealed to the parents to check on their children regularly. (FREEMAN)

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