Apo Island official wants diving issues resolved

DUMAGUETE CITY , Philippines   â€” The village chief of  Apo Island in Dauin, Negros Oriental disclosed she and the Barangay Council will discuss with the Apo Island Protected Area Management Board some concerns on night diving in the island.

Liberty Pascobello-Rhodes said she was surprised early this week to see an international luxury "live aboard" dive ship in the vicinity of Apo Island. This ship was from the same company that was "banned" a few years ago for sending another similar vessel after it had destroyed coral reefs in that world-famous dive destination.

According to Rhodes, she remembered clearly that, after that incident, she filed charges against the company but she did not receive any update on how the complaint had prospered since then.

Rhodes however said she received unverified reports that company was ordered to pay an undetermined amount in penalties but it was unclear to her on which agency the payments were made.

She declined to name the ship or the company until she gets a clear explanation from the PAMB or the DENR if the visit of the luxury dive ship was authorized.

Rhodes said Apo Island did not get any income from the night dives of this particular ship, which reportedly charges fat fees for divers from around the world for a 10-day package tour.

Another concern Rhodes raised on Friday was the absence of monitoring of ships dropping anchor or staying adrift off Apo Island while their guests are out on a dive. (FREEMAN)


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