Meet Miss Herbola

She is Miss Herbola, Her Majesty, the Great Liar and Master Spy – Alice Leal Guo, aka Guo Hua Ping, 34.

Herbola is a portmanteau – “Her” for she; bola is Tagalog slang for a lie or lies.

In Tagalog, bola is a ball, a falsehood that bounces or boomerangs.

A “bolero” or “bolera” is man or a woman who tells lies or falsehoods. Or makes a joke. Guo Hua Ping treated everybody in the Philippines as a joke, in particular our 24 senators and our 300 congressmen. If there is one thing a bolero (or liar) cannot stand, it is another bolero or liar.

Guo’s saga, from being a non-entity barely five years ago to small-town mayor of Bamban in Tarlac, which is part of the vast Clark Air Base reservation run by the Americans for 99 years, has terrorized a nation of 116 million fearful of a creeping invasion by China, once a friend but now considered Enemy No. 1 by Philippine foreign affairs and security officialdom.

1. Guo Hua Ping claims she is a Filipino citizen. This is a lie.

Documents in the hands of the Senate and the House of Representatives indicate she is pure Chinese, born of a Chinese father, Jian Zhong Goo (alias Angelito Guo or Jian Zhong Guo), 66, and a Chinese mother, Lin Wen Yi, 53. Both parents were from Fujian, China. The couple has no birth records or marriage records in the Philippines.

Aside from growing up in a piggery farm in Tarlac, Alice Guo also claimed addresses in Marilao, Bulacan and Valenzuela City, Metro Manila, addresses later found fictitious by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian of Valenzuela City. Guo also holds a Chinese passport. She migrated to the Philippines on Jan. 12, 2003, when she was 13.

2. Guo claims she did not go to school but was instead tutored. A lie.

There is a picture of her as a member of a class in Grace Christian High School (now a college). Miss Herbola has no written records of her early life in the Philippines, no local hospital birth records and no local educational records. Her alleged Philippine birth was registered only on Nov. 22, 2005, when she was already 19, thanks to corrupt clerks at the Philippine Statistics Authority which registers official births of Filipinos in the first 12 months of life.

3. Guo claims she grew up on a farm. She is a farm girl, a countryside young woman. A lie.

She is as sophisticated as a young upscale urban educated woman.

Unique for a farm girl, she likes Formula 1 racing cars. In many Philippine rural towns, the closest thing to a racing hobby is the “karera ng daga” (a rat race) staged during town fiestas. In fact, Alice loves cars, fancy cars, the more expensive, the better. She owns a McLaren and has at least a dozen other vehicles, including a helicopter.

4. Guo claims she made her wealth from piggery, a small business that is often not profit-making. A lie.

More than P20 billion was funneled into her over 30 bank accounts. If there is any piggery she indulged herself in, it is “piggery,” the slang for being greedy (for POGO, Philippine offshore gaming operation, money) and unkind (to her claimed country of nationality, the Philippines).

5. Guo claims she loves her country the Philippines. A lie.

She is a foreign spy, according to former Philippine National Police chief Panfilo Lacson. A self-confessed Chinese tycoon turned spy, under custody of the Thai police in Bangkok, says Guo is a colleague in the spy network run by the Chinese secret police.

The Al Jazeera documentary of Sept. 29, 2024, on global TV by “101 East” disclosed Guo Hua Ping is a Chinese spy – claimed a disgraced tycoon, said to be also a Chinese spy, Mr. She Zhijiang who is detained in Thailand. Al Jazeera was shown a dossier on Alice Guo, which claimed she lived in an upscale concrete brick steel-gated house in Fujian, China. Smirking on TV, Mr. She urged Guo to come clean.

“Guo Huaping, the two of us once dedicated our lives to China’s Ministry of State Security,” Mr. She told Alice in Chinese, “look what happened to me.”

“If you don’t want to be eliminated, you should tell the world the truth,” Mr. She pleaded with Guo Hua Ping.

In the 25-minute documentary, “She Zhijiang: Discarded Chinese Spy or Criminal Mastermind,” Mr. She claimed he was punished by China authorities for knowing too much. The TV film reported She operated in Yatai, Myanmar which became a Las Vegas or a Macao but with a dark side.

Yatai City was a $15-billion property development, from a sleepy rural town on the border of Thailand and Myanmar into a hub of “pig butchering schemes, scams, human trafficking and forced labor.”

Mr. She headed the development of the Yataj Special Economic Zone. He was recruited in Manila by a prominent Filipino man (whose face was clouded in the Al Jazeera docu) in August 2016.

Mr. She even attended a Nov. 20, 2018 state dinner hosted by then-president Rodrigo Duterte during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping. She’s Malacañang invitation was addressed to an assumed name, Tang Kriangkai – provided, he said, by the Chinese government.

On Aug. 10, 2022, Mr. She was invited to a private dinner at a Japanese restaurant in a Bangkok suburb where he was arrested by Thai police using a Red Notice issued by Interpol. She’s alleged crime: developing and running casinos.

Among the documents found in Mr. She’s possession: a dossier on Guo Hua Ping. It shows Guo is Chinese, had lived in China till the end of 2002. She is a spy. Of China’s Ministry of State Security.

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