EDITORIAL - Accusations without substantiation can be dismissed as political maneuvering

Former Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña’s recent testimony at the House inquiry into alleged Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) activities in Cebu City has sparked significant debate. While no POGO operations have been discovered in Cebu City itself, Osmeña’s accusations against businessman and former Presidential Assistant for the Visayas Michael Dino have added fuel to the fire. However, the absence of concrete evidence raises questions about the true motives behind his statements.

After admitting he had no “definite info” about POGOs, Osmeña claimed Dino was linked to alleged “high-rise buildings,” which he suggested could be easily verified through observable evidence. The former mayor was unable to specify which high-rise buildings he was referring to or how they were connected to Dino or the POGO business.

On August 31, authorities raided a POGO hub in Lapu-Lapu City, arresting 169 foreigners on charges of human trafficking and money laundering. This incident marks the only confirmed evidence of POGO operations in Cebu, though it’s important to note that Lapu-Lapu City is located on Mactan Island, not in Cebu City.

Osmeña’s testimony comes at a time when he appears to be seeking a resurgence in his political career. His allegations against Dino, a prominent figure with close ties to the previous administration, seem to be part of a broader strategy to position himself as a crusader against corruption and illegal activities.

The timing of Osmeña’s testimony is also noteworthy. With local elections on the horizon, his appearance at the House inquiry could be seen as a calculated move to re-enter the political arena. By aligning himself with the ongoing investigations into POGO operations and extrajudicial killings, Osmeña is attempting to re-establish his relevance and credibility in the eyes of the public.

However, the lack of evidence to support his claims against Dino weakens his position. Accusations without substantiation can easily be dismissed as political maneuvering rather than genuine concern for the city’s welfare. It is crucial for Osmeña to present concrete proof if he wishes to be taken seriously and not be perceived as merely engaging in a smear campaign.

While Osmeña’s testimony has certainly stirred the pot, it remains to be seen whether it will lead to any substantial outcomes. Without solid evidence, his allegations risk being seen as a desperate attempt to revive his political career. The public deserves transparency and truth, not baseless accusations. As the investigation continues, it is imperative that all parties involved focus on uncovering the facts and ensuring justice is served.

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