

Election interference by China and the US

WHAT MATTERS MOST - Josephus Jimenez - The Freeman

If you tell me that Xi Jin Ping and Biden or Trump will not interfere in the 2025 Philippine elections, I shall tell you directly to your face: Tell it to the marines. I was not born yesterday. China has already "planted" too many alleged advanced party infiltrators, masquerading as university students, POGO operators and retirees at age 35, as well as simple hog raisers who own helicopters and mysteriously become elected mayors.

The intensifying rivalry between America and China in the Asian-Pacific region shall extend to the Philippine midterm polls of 2025 as well the presidential elections in 2028. China is poised to extend support to pro-Duterte senatorial bets, characters like Bong Go, Bato de la Rosa and Francis Tolentino. Beijing is also expected to give aid and comfort to the presidential bid of Sara Duterte-Carpio in 2028.

This could only mean that the US shall likewise extend support to pro-US senatorial bets in 2025, those who are allied with the BBM administration, like Benhur Abalos, Pia Cayetano whose mother was a pure American from Ann Arbor, Missouri, Dick Gordon whose father was an American too, Imee Marcos and Bong Revilla, Lito Lapid and another Tulfo, Erwin, now a congressman and deputy speaker, whose citizenship was questioned and remains questionable. That was the reason, his appointment as DSWD secretary did not pass the Commission on Appointments. America has a huge stake in Philippine politics and Washington DC does not relish having another Duterte in the Palace. America is building up Martin Romualdez to succeed BBM but if he remains difficult to sell, then Raffy Tulfo.

Sara Zimmerman Duterte-Carpio, who is being pushed by her father to run for president, come hell or high water, is the daughter of Elizabeth Abellana Zimmerman, a former flight attendant with Jewish descent. Sara is compelled to follow the pro-Beijing ideology of her father who developed and nurtured a seemingly congenital anti-US stance and behavioral pattern. President Digong refused to visit the US in all the six years of his presidency while he kept on going to and from Beijing and rubbing elbows with his friend Xi Jinping. His so-called secret deal with the Chinese leader is being highly criticized as compromising the national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of our country, in defiance of the UN Convention on the law of the seas or Unclos.

Sara will most probably receive tremendous support from Beijing in order to propel her presidential ambitions. Thus, Sara's opponent, whether it is Martin or Tulfo, will definitely be aided by Washington and the CIA and Pentagon. The Philippines is a very important ally of the US in this region. Not really because the Americans love us but more because we are strategically located in the Asia-Pacific Basin and we can provide the first line of defense or even offense against the Chinese in case a shooting war erupts between the US and China. If Sara becomes president in 2028, then China shall have gained a giant step towards making our country another virtual colony or to be claimed as another province like Taiwan.

Washington will do anything and everything to stop Sara from becoming president. To do this, China's infiltration into our local governments like what happened in Bamban, Tarlac shall be exposed by the CIA and senators like Riza Hontiveros shall be aided to make more exposes that can embarrass Beijing and shame the previous administration for laying down the groundwork to make Philippine Overseas Gaming Operations or POGOs infiltrate our country and penetrate our government. The POGOs are being used as the window with which Chinese can be smuggled into our country in order to commit all forms of crimes like gambling, kidnapping, drugs and prostitution.

Filipino voters should be more discerning in 2025 and 2028. Their votes may constitute facilitating China's invasion into our land or an endorsement of America's gargantuan efforts to prevent Beijing from subjugating our country and people. It is not really a choice between Schylla and Carbides, nor a selection between the devil and the deep blue sea. It is actually a crucial choice between salvation and ultimate perdition and ruin.

America is not perfect, it has its own shares of shenanigans. But between Beijing and Washington, I will gladly embrace the American eagle rather than the Chinese Dragon. Between Biden, the old man, and Trump the convicted felon, I would easily choose Biden. But all of them will never keep their hands off the Philippine polls in 2025.  The stakes are too high, it would be crazy not to interfere.

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