Water woes

Our area used to have the strongest water pressure in the early 2000s. However, just over the weekend, we experienced having only drops of water coming out of our faucet until it stopped. My neighbors were quick to call the Metro Cebu Water District to report the issue. However, as it was, there was no water interruption. We were simply reeling in the effects of the El Niño phenomenon.

It was a challenge to explain to our neighbors the situation. Most of them were stuck in the mindset that MCWD should immediately repair the "damage" so that our water pressure would return to normal. The sad fact is that there was really nothing to repair. We are all facing a water challenge in the entire service area of MCWD.

In recent reports, the water district's sources could produce only about half of what it used to. They are falling short as deficits continue to grow by the day.

At this point where we are already in a state of crisis, it is irrational to keep on pointing fingers. The best recourse is to look for a prompt solution moving forward as we brace for hot days. MCWD also did not falter in informing the public about the situation. In fact, they have been accommodating media interviews since March to discuss the situation. They are transparent with the current water supply that we have. It is the consumers' duty now to mitigate the effects.

It is also irrational to say that we should demand from them since we are paying. The amount that we pay their office is enough to cover costs for the operational expenses in providing us with water. What they are asking from the consumers only entails a bit of effort --to store water ahead. As it is now, it is impossible to know when the water will stop or come again. There is never anything harmful in storing potable water during off-peak hours.

The employees manning the operations area of the water district are doing their best to keep the consumers out of the mess. At one point they had to close their office because of an alleged security breach. Their patrons had to go to their offices just so they could transact with them. This shouldn't be the case either. As much as they want to maintain the civility of the management of the water district, the people's access to this service must not be put into jeopardy.

I believe it always pays to keep yourself updated on the current issues in society. During the onset of El Niño and the stories about water shortage were non-stop, that would have been an eye opener. The rest could have prepared for the ordeal that we are facing today. This is how news avoidance works; the ordinary citizen misses vital information. As the water district and the city sort out their differences while the heat rages on, we can always commit to conserve and store water.

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