2024 World Water Day and Earth Hour

The whole world celebrated World Water Day yesterday, March 22.

“Water for Peace” is this year’s United Nations’ theme, reminding all about the vital role of water in every person’s lives as well as the need for sustainable water management practices.

Symposia with experts, informative sessions/interactive workshops were held during the week-long celebration. Many groups joined the celebration and posted their own messages/videos such as the following: “Every drop counts!” “Let's join hands to conserve, cherish, and ensure access to clean water for all.”

“Water problems are not just about water. It’s a problem of LIFE. It’s a problem of ENVIRONMENT. It’s a problem of HEALTH. Let’s rethink how we value water. Do the earth a Favor. Be a water saver.”

“Safe #wateris EVERY child’s right and helps them grow up to reach their potential. “

According to UNICEF#WATERIS, “48 million people still do not have access to water, lack access to clean water at their place of residence.”

World Water Day hopes to “raise awareness of global water crisis and remind the world about the significance of water.” All are encouraged to march “forward with a drop of hope and unite on World Water Day to safeguard our planet's most precious resource, ensuring a sustainable future for all.”

Access to water is not “just a basic human right but a cornerstone for building peaceful societies and sustainable futures.”

Tomorrow, March 23, is Earth Hour 2024! All are again asked to join by giving an hour for our shared home, our earth!

“Last year, over 410,000 hours were given to our planet by supporters in over 190 countries and territories!”

The Earth Hour global celebration started as a symbolic event in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and has grown into one of the world’s largest grassroots environmental movements spanning over 7,000 cities and 193 countries and territories.

This year, all are asked to join to make this year “the #BiggestHourForEarth even bigger by spending 60 minutes doing good for the planet while doing something you love!

Give an hour for Earth on Saturday March 23, 2024 and help bring our world back to life! In the Philippines, Earth Hour is scheduled this Saturday from 8:30?p.m. to 9:30?p.m.!

“Too many of us have forgotten that we are deeply connected with nature, but the way we live, the way we produce and consume, the way we create the spaces we live --all have made a tremendous impact on our environment, on biodiversity,” according to WWF-Philippines executive director Katherine Custodio

“We need to remember a simple message that humans will be okay only if nature, our planet is okay.”

Custodio added, “This year Earth Hour Philippines’ focus is on addressing plastic pollution as it is one of the most pressing concerns for our country and a public health issue. We generate two million tons of plastic waste in the Philippines every year, only 9% is recycled, and 35% leaks out into the open environment. As we are an archipelago of 7,640 islands, the damage caused by plastic pollution to our environment is magnified.”

Across the Philippines, national landmarks, office buildings, government offices, and homes will also switch off non-essential lights to express support for efforts aimed at addressing our planet's sustainability.

Filipinos can also participate in Earth Hour this year by logging their hours of doing something positive for nature. They can log on to wwf.org.ph/our_work/earthhour/ and choose from several activities that they can do individually, with friends and even as a community.

Beyond Earth Hour, everyone is asked to always spare time for our earth, our common home, wherever they are, however they can.

Make composting kitchen waste, making charcoal from paper waste, or collecting plastic wastes in your own personal ecobrick your LOVEOUR EARTH daily habit!

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