EDITORIAL — Logic secedes from Duterte

Every once in a while someone comes with an idea so hare-brained even his supporters shoot it down immediately. As of today this someone is former president Rodrigo Duterte, and that idea is for Mindanao to secede from the rest of the Philippines.

Speaking during a rally in Davao against the now-dead people’s initiative for constitutional amendments, the former president said he might as well launch a people’s initiative to gather signatures to push for Mindanao’s separation from the rest of the Philippines.

One of the reasons he cites is his “frustration” at the way the country is being run, and how after so many presidents the Philippines has not progressed, especially Mindanao.

“We have everything and yet we give all our resources (to the Visayas and Luzon). Mindanao is rich,” he said.

It’s sad that even until now his mentality remains regionalistic. We were hoping that his being president would give him a wider perspective. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case and he still likes to draw lines between the people from different geographical regions.

But there is something even sadder. Perhaps his logic is being dulled by his age --heck, it may have seceded him-- because he forgets that he was one of those presidents who served. That he was once in the most powerful position in the country where he could effect change, including improving the condition of not just the country but also Mindanao.

Is this some tacit admission that he also did nothing despite all the power he had in his hands? For six long years?

People whom you would think would support this idea of secession aren’t backing it, including government and police officials in Mindanao, and former members of his cabinet.

Of course, he might have another motive for wanting to separate Mindanao from the rest of the Philippines, and it may have nothing to do with the way former presidents --himself included-- couldn’t or didn’t improve conditions in the country or Mindanao; the International Criminal Court.

For now, the specter of the ICC hangs over his head like a sword of Damocles. The fact that this administration seems to be hemming and hawing about rejoining the ICC must be giving him sleepless nights.

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