The difference between a peoples' initiative and a trapo's Trojan horse

The basic problem that we face today is that most of our political leaders do not respect the basic rights of the people, whom they are sworn to serve. This palpable lack of respect is manifested by this latest bag of trickery called cha-cha, which, by all appearances, is founded on lies and machinations. The people should be sick and tired of this endless betrayal of public trust.

The truth of the matter is that this cha-cha is another Trojan horse concocted by greedy politicians who are tools of foreign interests in order to fool all the people one more time. In the spirit of Gomburza, in the spirit of Rizal, Bonifacio, and Mabini, we should reject it and expose the traitors. The "unkindest cut of all" is that this proposed charter change is being packaged as a strategic move to attract investors by opening our economy to 100% foreign ownership, use, exploitation, and encumbrances of our national patrimony. As citizens who truly love our country, we should reject this blatant travesty.

Why do we still need to attract more investors when the president, in all of the 17 foreign trips that he made within just 17 months of his presidency, has already secured billions, if not trillions in foreign investments. The fact that he secured this without any tinkering of our fundamental law is the best evidence that a charter change is not needed. This is just being used by the greedy, selfish, and scheming politicians in order to push for the interests of their clients who are mostly foreign capitalists. These trapos in the Senate and in the House, as well as in the Cabinet have their own agenda alien to the best interests of the people.

These politicians are lawyering and representing China which apparently wants to encroach into our territorial domains. If the Chinese cannot subjugate us by invasion, then they are doing it by Constitutional revisions. They want to own, exploit, use, abuse, and misuse our terrestrial and marine resources, our mines, forests, including the territories that we own by historic title, as well as the ancestral domains of our indigenous peoples. And so, we need to stand up and defend our lands and protect our people by rejecting, abhorring, and exposing this Trojan horse, called Charter Change.

Another great risk that this cha-cha is capable of generating is that once we open this Pandora's Box of a charter change, no one can prevent other scheming politicians from inserting political manipulations into it, like the notorious term extension of presidents, senators, congressmen, and LGU executives. That would be another betrayal of public trust which, by the way, is an impeachable offense. Therefore, the people should stand up against cha-cha and reject this latest scheme and machination by trapos who have nothing else to do but betray their oaths of office and undermine the general interests of the Filipinos.

These trapos might have succeeded in fooling some of the people all the time, or all of the people some of the time. But they should not be allowed to fool all of the people all of the time. Just like the times of Gomburza, the times of Rizal, Bonifacio and Mabini, a few good men should start to resist these not-too subtle ways of exploitation, oppression and deceptions.

Let us show these people in high places, that we are not stupid and that not all are asleep in the darkest nights of our history as Filipinos. Reject the cha-cha and expose the traitors. Do not vote for all the promoters of this travesty. Never ever again should we submit to their evil ways.

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