All nations are equal

The Charter of the United Nations Article 2; 1 reads: The organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

But in reality some members behave as Big Brothers: They insist they are more equal than others. Their principle is: Might is right.

Since 2014 and more so since February 24, 2022, Russia bullies Ukraine. China also is planning to offend the principle of the UN and to act according to the George Orwell scriptures.

The French General Michel Yakovleff rejects the senior-junior parlance of most analysts. His opinion is much stricter:

In the Russian conception the egalitarianism is an intoxication, a brainwashing. The reality is the hierarchy of nations: There are some more powerful than others. That gives them the right to force others to obey them. If they do not understand that they are weaker, Russia teaches them a lesson. That is what happened to Georgia in 2008 and to Ukraine in 2022. It is their fault that they did not see that their sovereignty goes only as far as Russia permits.

The foundation of international right for Putin is the  fact  that the Russian race is superior to the depraved West of which the Ukrainian  Nazis  chose to be a part. Like in nature the strong eat the weak. Consequently Russia is entitled to swallow Ukraine and to extinguish the Ukrainian people. He justifies his genocide plan with his paranoid feeling of being threatened by Ukraine. But that is just a subterfuge for his preventive war. The real reason is his power greed.

As far as China is concerned Putin thinks that Xi Jinping shares his vision of the world: The orderly authoritarian states are superior to the chaotic democracies. Both their target is to make the whole world orderly. So Russia and China are both right and meet at eye-level.

But Xi sees that completely different. In the ranking of nations China is on top of all, only the sky is higher. What is under the sky belongs since 4,000 years ago to the Empire of the Center. It is the Middle Kingdom that organizes the world, imposing her universal order. There is no equal to China. Consequently all others are tributaries. Pay your tribute or we force you to. Those who do not recognize that natural order are barbarians in the sense of ignorant or malevolent.

Stupidity must be punished, at least such a tributary is despicable. And that the more when it has maneuvered unnecessarily itself into difficulties. This vassal (Russia) is too impoverished that it cannot pay its tribute. In that moment the overlord has the right to pounce without shame or pity. There is already not much sentiment in interstate relations, but in master-subordinate relations there is even less. Consequently China exploits Russia to the core and as far as they can. Since Russia committed that stupidity to launch a war and weaken itself by losing that war, China is the logical beneficiary.

For the moment only the Americans have not understood the principle of China s universal sovereignty. They are the masters of those nations that help Ukraine. The European Union and all the others are the vassals under their banner. They have imposed on all nations their principle of egalitarian nations which suits the small nations for they are treated equally as the big ones.

China will be better off with an America under Trump, who resembles more their authoritarian style. Elections become first insignificant then dispensable. America first and alone is an easy prey. How can that immature not even 250-year-old state dare to concur with 4,000-year-old China? China will dominate the self-isolating America. Europe without America is then a negligible quantity. Just good for trading with but not for respecting.

In China s world view there are coming up a lot of perturbing troublemakers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Brazil, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, etc. Peace-loving China s role is to calm or tame them. With all those young nations old China will deal as they have always dealt. China will subvert democracy and appoint puppet strongmen in all nations. Mandarin will be the universal language. Face-recognizing surveillance cameras make sure that Xi thought is obeyed worldwide.

The United Nations as the last bulwark of fictitious egalitarianism will be dissolved. Realpolitik with Chinese characteristics will prevail.

The next 20 years will be chaotic. There is a great potential of friction. Friction generates heat and heat generates sparks and sparks ignite fire.

This is the opinion of the French General Michel Yakovleff.

Erich Wannemacher

Lapu-Lapu City

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