Elections, All Saints’ Day and Souls’ Day 2023
All three within the same week this 2023!
Barangay and SK elections were scheduled Monday, October 30.
Although October 31, Tuesday, and November 3, Friday were not declared holidays like All Saints’ Day, November 1, Wednesday and All Souls’ Day, November 2, Thursday, thousands of Filipino students/employees/workers decided to give themselves and their families their rare share of a 9-day break, from October 28, Saturday, to November 5, Sunday!!!
Election day, about 10 a.m., a supervisor of one voting precinct remarked: “There seems to be fewer voters this time than the last national elections. I wonder why?”
Did Filipinos prioritize their long break and travel rather than elections?
Or was the perceived fewer voters also a response to lower amount reportedly received from fewer candidates this October 2023 elections?
Anyway, because there were less voters that morning, voting took only from 15-30 minutes especially for the seniors!
Comelec, hopefully, will learn from the experiences of every election.
Less problems, less delays, less voting time if there are less voters?
Comelec, however, should always be ready and anticipate a scenario where there is a deluge of voters in precincts.
Are there enough well-trained precinct personnel to man the voting areas, to guide/instruct voters, especially the PWDs and seniors, not only to their polling places but to voter-friendly waiting areas as well?
Upon entrance to polling places, are there knowledgeable personnel who can guide those who do not remember or know their precinct number, have staff to instruct voters where their precincts are and staff to supervise voters at the waiting and voting areas?
Can Comelec also cordon the gate of polling places and allow only the authorized guards, polling staff at the gate?
Voters can be asked to line up systematically and in an orderly fashion at convenient areas leading to the gate.
Many precinct gates get crowded, seniors especially unable to enter easily through the throng that gather at the entrance because supporters of candidates are giving out sample ballots!
Cannot Comelec regulate candidates’ supporters to stay clear of gates and entrances of polling places?
Definitely, there were those who did not vote because they no longer believe in the integrity of Comelec and the election process and exercise in the Philippines.
The results of the last elections are still being questioned in terms of its honesty, accuracy, and reliability, whether the tabulated and reported counted ballots were genuine ballots and votes of the Filipino people or whether there was rigging in the last elections, electronically or through some other means.
All Filipinos should unite together to ensure that their votes are genuinely inputted, tabulated/reported and the will of the Filipino voters truly reflected and respected in a very transparent, honest electoral process.
Also, it is time for Filipinos to demand the passage and strict implementation of the Anti- Dynasty Bill.
In this last October 30 elections, not only one or two candidates from the same family ran for office!
Goodness, where has delicadeza or humility gone?
Do political dynasties really think their families are the only ones who can serve the people, and by serve, we mean genuinely serve the people as servant-leaders?
The glaring and continuing reality sadly show more elected pursuing their own personal/family interests rather than the welfare and care of their constituents.
One can count very easily the “saints,” the genuine servants of the people and God among the winners of elections.
Perhaps, the Filipino people can offer prayers this November for the genuine saints to intercede for the elected, that they follow and serve the Lord and His people rather than just themselves and their families.
If only the departed souls can return to remind abusive politicians that they are mere mortals, not gods, their power/wealth/life, never theirs, never eternal.
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