Thunderstorms, floods, and trees

Is it just the whole Metro Cebu affected recently by thunderstorms?

We have been witnessing deceptively sunny mornings which by the afternoon gave way to heavy rains, loud thunder, and frightening lightning.

Then, within minutes which stretched to hours, Metro Cebu experienced floods, floods and more floods.

The longer the rains stayed, the higher the floods, the more areas affected by floods.

Sadly, even if the rains stopped after an hour or so, the floods were here, there, everywhere! Basura too.

Then next, stranded vehicles, heavy traffic, accidents, thousands eager to get home quickly but were unable to.

What used to take 30 minutes to an hour return trip home, had, because of the thunderstorms and floods, turned into more than 3-4 hour street nightmare!

Where, oh, where is the much-needed drainage in the oft-publicized “progressive,” “rich” “smart,” “sustainable” cities of Cebu?

Every time the floods come, expect newspapers to banner plans for extensive Metro Cebu-wide drainage by politicians.

Years have come and gone, elections here and there. But where, oh, where are the promised drainage systems in Metro Cebu?

Please, before billion—peso plans for reclamation or waste to energy facilities, Metro Cebu officials may want to prioritize the needs and interests of their constituents first and focus on drainage?

The rains need to exit from the streets somewhere. Otherwise, expect floods, here, there, everywhere in Metro Cebu!

Why can’t rain can be tapped and properly channeled for productive use, not harm instead?

With proper drainage and rain water management, so much floods and problems affecting people and communities can be avoided.

Oh, if there were only enough trees as well to catch the rains and prevent floods.

Sadly, trees have been cut to give way to roads, to commercial housing and construction, mining, other businesses.

If only everyone knew the value of trees, if only everyone knew how to care for and maintain trees, then everyone will understand that roads can be built, businesses can proceed without sacrificing, without cutting trees.

It is timely that from September 13-15, the Pagtambayayong Foundation Inc., the Regional Center of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE-Cebu), the University of the Philippines-Cebu with DENR-7 and Cebu City have joined together to have a TRAINING ON PROPER TREE CARE, MAINTENANCE and CARBON AUDIT to be conducted by Dr. Ernesto Militante, Tree Pathologist and retired Professor of UP Los Baños.

The rationale of this training, as shared by Dr. Militante, is as follows:

“Trees are indispensable to people and the environment. They provide innumerable tangible and intangible benefits for a better quality and wholesome and livable environment. Trees prevent floods and also add to the beauty of the land.

However, trees, just like other living organisms are subjected to physical, natural and human induced factors which adversely affect their health.

Thus, some trees are deformed, defective and/ or damaged. In order to insure a safe and beautiful landscape, trees must be properly cared for and maintained.

Proper tree care and maintenance are investments which can lead to substantial direct and indirect benefits.”

This traininggenerally aims to equip participants with basic knowledge, understanding and appreciation on the value of trees, tree growth and development, plant nutrition, tree health (diagnosis, prevention and control of pests and diseases), minor/major tree surgery, pruning, balling, other equally important related activities, and, carbon audit.

The participants will be taught actual tree care and maintenance strategies through lectures and actual field work which will take place in Plaza Independencia.

Hopefully, the training will develop a pool of ready and committed tree savers and marshals from among various sectors, government and civil society, not only in Cebu City but throughout Metro Cebu and other Cebu municipalities as well.

The more trees planted, maintained and saved, the more benefitsfor people and communities.

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