A few good men

Some readers have asked why I have referenced some books and movies in my columns. Actually, I do not consciously do it, but when one talks about history, politics, morality, and the human condition, these things have actually already been explored and written in books and other forms of media.

Over the years, I must also have read thousands of books/comics, seen thousands of movies and read countless essays and they come back to me when I am arranging my thoughts. Stories are always about life, and I believe there is nothing in life that has not been told or written.

All the tragedies, comedies, adventures, failures, triumphs and relationships have been told including all the sins and the punishments. Stories are all based on human experience, and the only reason fiction is sometimes stranger than reality is because stories are told, written or made into movies in a more orderly fashion. Reality is more disorderly and chaotic.

“A Few Good Men”, is also the title of the movie which starred Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore which is based on a real-life incident. It was a hit movie about a court martial, and how some military men stood for truth and justice against all odds with tenacity. It is also about arrogance that undid some of the characters. It has a good storyline and is a well-made movie with good acting that deserves the four-star rating.

The new administration for the Philippines that was just sworn in last July 1, 2022, actually announced in advance some of the appointments to the Cabinet and to other more important government positions. In the next few weeks more will be appointed to replace the appointees of the outgoing administration.

Despite the seeming alliance of the outgoing administration and the incoming administration, it appears there will be massive replacements for various reasons. Rightly, due to the difficult economic conditions prevailing, the economic team was earliest formed and announced. We have seen the credentials of the economic team and have met some of them professionally, and so far they are a plus factor for the new government.

There are, however, announced appointees who are surely inappropriate for the positions due to reputation, conflict of interest situation, and are confidence-eroding to the positions/institutions that they have to head. While it is understandable for the incoming administration to pay political debts by appointing supporters, they have to tilt the balance of appointees to those who will deliver and achieve the goals of the government and the country.

Politically and economically the world today and many nations are in a very difficult situation. Coming to the end of the two-year plus COVID-19 pandemic with the concomitant economic turmoil, the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the increasing nature disasters, navigating to calmer waters will be an enormous task. The Philippines which is on the list of the most-affected countries, needs a very able and effective government and governance. So, the need for capable, efficient, and effective men or women to hold the government positions is paramount.

Actually, we need many good men and women. This is really not an advice or recommendation but a truism. Moreover, beyond these capable men and women, we still need “a few good men” who will stand up for truth and justice for democracy and our country to survive and prosper. Hopefully, there will be enough good men.

There is really a book that already tells everything about the human experience and condition from which we should learn our life’s lessons. I have referred to it in some of my columns and the priests and leaders/elders of many religions quote from it. Politics and other social sciences, morality, and ideology are well discussed and illustrated. All transgressions and sins are explained and so are the punishments. It relates the governance practices for thousands of years with their successes and failures.

This is the Bible.

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