
Our government leaders have been taking their oath of office during the last few days or weeks. Since the event marks the beginning of one's day in public service, it seals at least some uncertainties about the legitimacy of their political destiny.

The judge, the Bible, and the pledge are elements of every inauguration that are also common to the highest offices.

The judge, who represents the necessity for a public person to use measured words, must adhere to the law. It is only reasonable and proper that promises have a legal foundation when they are carried out in a bureaucracy where specific procedures and protocols are strictly adhered to. No matter how noble the intentions may be, a public official may face legal repercussions if certain legal requirements are broken. And for this precise reason, having a background in law or being a lawyer is one of the most advantageous occupations.

The Bible is the second thing that is present at the inauguration. We think that because we believe in God or a superbeing, our activities must fall within the bounds of our moral or spiritual values. The Bible contains the words of God, including his pledge to endure suffering solely for the sake of his people's salvation, the kind of salvation that is available to all people of good will throughout time. And because we cannot rely solely on our intellect and physical capabilities, we must also hold the conviction that an invisible hand control everything --a good, invisible hand that brings goodness to humanity. And so, the public official is required to uphold the sacredness of such a promise in the eyes of God.

The inauguration speech contained all the promises made throughout the campaign season. In just a few minutes of reciting the oath, the weight and intensity of covering the upcoming years of keeping those promises can become overwhelming.

We must exercise extreme caution whenever a public figure extols the virtues of our country because we are aware that greatness is never a given. They must merit it. Never have we chosen the simple path or compromised along the way. For people who are weak at heart, prefer leisure to labor, or are only interested in the pleasures of fame and fortune, it has not been a viable option. We haven't been guided up the difficult path to prosperity and freedom by them; rather, it was the risk-takers, the doers, and the innovators --some renowned, but often unsung in their efforts.

Inaugurations can be discussed in detail. For example, Franklin Roosevelt's speech in 1933 significantly changed the nation's mentality. While he did deliver a historic speech when he declared "All we have to fear is fear itself" the impact that speech had on American confidence was so enormous that, eight weeks later, he addressed the country at a fireside chat, telling everyone to calm down because the issues still exist. It was a terrific start for the government.

Kennedy's address, which was delivered at a time when America was at its height in many ways, is another that immediately comes to mind. That inauguration also had a significant effect. It succeeded in what it set out to do, which was to inspire a generation of people to enter the public sector.

Freeing the public from the pandemic's tangle is the promise to deliver for the new administration. What will it take for this country to win the battle for economic recovery and self-sufficiency? A big question that we need to ask the politicians we recently elected.

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