EDITORIAL - Providing relief isn’t a contest

Until now there are still many areas in Luzon that need help after these were hit by two typhoons in rapid succession. There are still areas without power, water, or other utilities. Many still don’t have access to basic needs like food, clothes, and toiletries. We can see on TV and online that many areas are still inundated and cannot function in the same way as any community would.

The government is doing what it can, but it seems the things needed aren’t reaching those who need them fast enough. We are sure they are doing everything they can, it just so happens we don’t have enough in the way of the resources and assets needed to help everyone quickly.

Then here comes the Office of the Vice President which, for some reason, the current administration doesn’t as consider part of the government, doing its own share of distribution of relief goods.

However, the present administration sees what Vice President Leni Robredo is doing as trying to one-up them.

“Do not compete with me. Do not start a quarrel with me,” President Rodrigo Duterte was quoted as saying.

We know there are other issues that prompted this reaction from the president. Deeper political issues. Robredo may harbor higher political ambitions after all. And for her it can’t get any higher than the presidency.

However, let’s just limit ourselves to the provision of aid for now, and none of the politics.

Providing aid to refugees and survivors who need them should not be treated like a competition where one comes out on top after he or she “gave more”. To consider it as a contest means you really don’t care about helping; you just want to look like the bigger man after all is said and done.

Not too long ago Robredo was also accused of “competing” with the government when she provided free shuttle service, a dorm, and personal protective equipment for frontline health workers battling the coronavirus. But to the surprise of many, the president actually defended her, saying he appreciated her efforts.

If we deduct the politics from this latest development it is still essentially the same situation; the Office of the Vice President doing what it can to help the administration which, on its own, is having a hard time getting things to people who need them.

Both camps should ditch the politics for now, there will be plenty of time for that later.

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