Light and gratitude

Darkness covered the earth when the moon totally or partially blocked the sun last December 26, 2019.

Many places within the Philippines remain in darkness, without light or with hopes dimmed, because of typhoons, earthquakes, fires, and other disasters.

A dark, grim future awaits people and this planet unless we promptly respond to the present, continuing climate emergency. We are given a decade to redeem ourselves from our folly.

At the start of this new year, shall we take on the challenge and work hard together to avert the climate crisis and save ourselves and our planet?

Small steps added together translate to a giant leap for humankind. Can our small hand stop a flood, heal the sick, and plant a forest?


A small hand can stop using plastics and can properly manage waste through simple segregation. A small hand that does not throw dirty, wet waste can help create a healthy, healing environment. A small hand that plants a seed can grow a forest!

Can we together bring our own share of light for this darkened world?

2019 ended with dark plans hatched inside Congress to disenfranchise Filipinos from deciding on our Constitution. Shameless and abusive, House representatives have approved to have longer terms for themselves, among other constitutional changes.

Will there be a Con-Ass (constituent assembly) formed with both chambers of Congress meeting to decide on Cha-Cha or will the HORs and the Senate vote separately about the Cha-Cha?

We Filipinos can either wait for the decision of those in Congress or, united, we can express and reclaim together our right to decide on our Constitution.

Pork barrel has reportedly reappeared in the proposed 2020 budget. Where are the previous courageous, righteous defenders of accountability and honesty among our people who mounted a huge nationwide protest against pork in Congress? Where are the defenders of our country, our Constitution, our national resources and assets, our people?

Will we see, in 2020, the return of the defenders of the light to dispel the darkness in Congress and in our country?

Despite or rather, because of the darkness, there is room for gratitude for the hope that springs eternal among those who believe. Surely, in time, there will be light that will chase the lingering darkness.

Shall we then step in faith and together face 2020 with hope and gratitude that “lightness will brighten the darkness of this world because Christ’s light is greater than the darkness” everywhere, in the halls of Congress, in human hearts.

Shall we move forward this New Year and believe that, as Pope Francis reminded us, “the light of Christ is greater than the darkness of broken family relationships or the suffering endured in economic, geopolitical, and ecological conflict?”

Shall we join Pope Francis pray for Christ’s light “to the many children, to so many people – struggling but not discouraged, and still awaiting a time of peace, security and prosperity?”

May Christ’s light “bring consolation and protection for all forced to emigrate due to injustice who endure abuse, enslavement and torture and for those who suffer from violence, natural disasters, and disease.”

“May Jesus soften our often stony and self-centered hearts and make them channels of his love.”

“Through our frail hands, may Christ clothe those who have nothing to wear, give bread to the hungry, heal the sick, and may he draw close to the elderly and the lonely, to migrants and the marginalized.”

With much gratitude and hope, through joyful Christmas and this new year, “may Christ bring his tenderness to all and brighten the darkness of this world.”

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