EDITORIAL - A menace in workplaces

Being a drug-free individual really starts with the family. As the first institution that lays the basic foundation of their future, the family is where parents teach their children good values in order for them to become good citizens of the community.

Then there’s the school where the youth take years to nurture their knowledge and ability as they prepare for their employment and other business endeavors. As second parents, teachers mold the youth to become responsible contributors to nation-building.

Then, when they become employed, the responsibility shifts to business owners and managers, who should make it a point that offices and other workplaces are free from the roots of vices such as illegal drugs.

Fortunately, some local government units also help the business sector in the drive against many forms of vices. In Cebu City, it is good that the city government is aggressively pushing its campaign against drug abuse to a new level as it coordinates with businesses to make establishments free from drugs.

Part of the effort is the meeting that is soon to be held between the Cebu City Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (COSAP) and hotel and bar owners operating in the city to craft measures to make workplaces drug-free.

COSAP chief Garry Lao said part of their mission is to involve the business sector in the anti-drug campaign. This initiative came up during last week’s first-quarter meeting of the Cebu City Anti-Drug Abuse Council.

“The only way to achieve this is we have to meet them kay we would like to inform them about this,” Lao said, “partner nato sila to inform our authorities, dili man totally ma-eradicate, at least matabangan nato ang kampanya.”

With the participation of the business sector, screenings and seminars should be frequently conducted as part of the drive to prevent drug abuse among workers. Yes, establishments should play a crucial role in the war against illegal drugs by seeing to it such menace does not thrive in workplaces.

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