Professional commitment in the teaching profession

“I thank God for a teacher like you.”


This is a simple message which a teacher received from her Grade V pupil in a public school. It has touched her life until now. Being a teacher is a difficult job, however, if you have the commitment to your profession then the work would be easy for you.

The teaching profession requires commitment. An effective educator has to be committed not only to his students but also to the teaching profession as a whole. She may be confronted with the challenges in the field of education such as the new information technology and computer-aided instruction. But she has to abide by rules and regulations and be able to cope with the principles of her profession.

According to research, professional commitment is an attitude that someone has towards her job. Thus a committed teacher must possess certain qualities to perform her functions efficiently and effectively. She should be a transformed teacher in terms of character and competence, sensitive to the learning styles of the learners. This quality can help facilitate an effective teaching situation.

Teachers are in the teaching profession because of their deep commitment and love for the noble task of molding the future citizens of the country. Committed teaches always put their students’ wants, needs, and interests first. Now that we are in a rapidly changing world, teachers have to continuously update themselves with the current trends in education. They have to keep abreast with the latest developments in education. Those who are dedicated to their profession never stop learning mew methods and techniques as well as strategies. This can help them in ensuring an effective teaching-learning process.

In order for our students to continue living in a modern technological world, then teachers have to effect a genuine change in the quality of education. This can be determined through students’ attitudes as acquired in the teaching-learning process. It is education that makes one a better person and a more fulfilled individual. This is the greatest commitment of a teacher that students under her care can truly thank God for her who touches their hearts, opens their minds, and shapes their future.

Rizalinda A. Cairo, Ed.D.

Public Schools District Supervisor

DepEd Cebu City Division

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