The ASEAN Summit in Cebu

I recall that it was in 2007, when all the roads in Cebu seemed like they were ironed out. We had no classes then because visitors from neighboring countries were coming to town. Select streets were lined up with weird-looking lampposts that didn't really work the way they were supposed to. I also remember that a multi-million structure was rushed to be finished in time for the event. It was the ASEAN summit, where all ten member countries and others who were observing came to convene for the advancement of global ties. Fast forward to ten years after, we find ourselves in the same dance again.

But this year it will be totally different, since only pocket meetings will be held in Cebu and Bohol. Unlike how it went ten years before, Cebu will just be a fragment of the whole summit, yet we have to put our best foot forward. We want to show them that much has improved a decade after. Cebu has so much to offer now with developments taking place left and right. Security and traffic plans are already in place; the tourism groups are also busy concocting plans to attract investors. We have to wait and see what will happen on Monday, the first day they are expected to hold their meetings. My fingers are crossed for a peaceful day one for our visitors.

Most of what they discuss will be irrelevant to the common person.  The many frills of the summit might even be inconvenient to them. What's in it for us that we are the host country? Well, for one it is an opportunity that we can show our neighbors what we are capable of. It will be a time when hotels will be fully booked and tours to top destinations will be packed. Apart from the meetings, they would also want to explore. Second, we will be part of history. Most of what they will be discussing will be echoed to the local level which may benefit us in the long run. We could be proud to say that an international event was held here and that whatever they may decide on, Cebu had a role to play.

The ASEAN is not quite clear to an ordinary Filipino; most of them will say that their lives have not improved despite the yearly meet of the different state leaders. Let us leave the macroscopic things to those who are experts in seeing things from another perspective. What a mere person could do now that things will start rolling on Monday is to be patient - traffic might worsen and places might be full of people. Let us show them that we love their presence and are welcome to seeing them more often.

The Department of Tourism in the region has said that the summit will be an investment for Cebu. I'd have to agree. In order to recoup the cost of what was poured in, a collective effort is needed. Let us brace ourselves.

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