Clinton vs. Trump

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Even though Trump has identified the Philippines as a terrorist nation, a number of  Filipinos still support him. In fact, a survey reveals most Asian-Americans will be voting for Clinton, no surprise there. But also revealed was that for the minority of Asia-Americans who will be voting for Trump, Filipino-Americans had the highest number. One of these Fil-Am Trump supporters shared that the Republican candidate is admirable because of his "honesty" and "is not afraid of not being politically correct."



CHOICES. Not recently, three friends were talking about the US politics. Friend A asked, "How's the election season in the US?" Friend B who is a Filipino but now based in Miami replied, "Crazy, but I try not to be so invested." Friend C who is an American gave his opinion, "Well, you are lucky. You are not a voter. I, on the other hand, have to choose between two really bad candidates. You know what, I plan not to vote!" Friend A sarcastically reacted, "First world problems!" 

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