The end of the Aquino regime has come

Finally! This is the last day of the presidency of President Benigno "PNoy" Aquino III, and tomorrow the day of reckoning comes. If there was anything that the Aquino presidency was very good at, it was their Goebbels-type yellow propaganda machinery. Early at the beginning of the 2010 presidential race right after the death of then President Cory Aquino, these propagandists sold the idea that the son of Cory would make a great president. A lot of people bought that yarn hook, line, and sinker and the coup de grace was the Precinct Count Optical Scan that cheated the Filipino people during the 2010, 2013, and 2016 elections. The rest is history!

Then very early in his presidency, the yellow propagandist portrayed President PNoy with the highest rating ever for an incoming president, despite the reality that he was really a minority president. I could not for the life of me believe that those who did not vote for President PNoy like me would suddenly turn around and believe in his capability to govern when his past performance as a Congressman and Senator showed that he was a so-so performer.

Then came August 2010 when eight Hong Kong hostages were killed at the Quirino Grandstand by a deranged police officer. President Aquino never cared to apologize to China for that incident. For me, it was downhill all the way. Mind you, my friends in the media who are blindly yellow would tell me that I'm a good writer, but my popularity has gone down because I was attacking a president who was very popular. Well, in the last two years of the Aquino presidency, many pundits have started attacking him and I have proven to these people that I was right from the very beginning!

For me, Mr. Aquino was a president who truly acted like the haciendero that he is, except that the Aquino/Cojuangco families never really owned the Hacienda Luisita. It is the farmer-tenants that own that property. But then the Aquino family cultivated the yellow cult selling that often repeated slogan, "Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap" and wearing that yellow ribbon taken from the US that people use to welcome those who were lost or taken hostage. This typified the Aquino presidency for he always wore that yellow ribbon on his chest, but never the Philippine flag!

Well, today is the last day of this yellow cult, which all began with the assassination of the president's father, the late senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. whose killing was never officially solved despite the two Aquino presidencies. Thus if the Aquino family didn't care to seek justice for their own kin, who are we to demand justice ourselves? But today is the day that God has made and now it is the final curtain of the Aquino regime and for sure, history would be unkind to one who uses propaganda to prop up his image before the Filipino people and the world.

Today is also a new beginning for the Philippines for the man who never expected nor even dreamed to become president has been chosen by a huge majority of the Filipino people who were fed up or fooled by the yellow propaganda to be the next President of the Philippines.

Today is the beginning of the Presidency of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte. He doesn't offer much in terms of brainpower, but he does offer a glimmer of hope that there is a man in Malacañang, who will fight for the needs of the ordinary people who just want to get a permit from government agencies and fall prey on many of their corrupt practices. Unlike President Aquino who entered Malacañang totally clueless with no visions, President Duterte has visions for peace in Mindanao and most important of all, a vision to reshape the system of governance in the Philippine to shift our nation to become a Federal State. This is something I look forward and the very core of why I support the Duterte presidency. God bless the Philippines!

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So finally Mayor Tomas Osmeña has taken his oath of office before Vice President Leni Robredo and so his new term begins. Already we have read reports that the new Mayor wants P7 billion worth of projects to solve the traffic problem. First of all, for the sake of transparency I would like to know what is involved in that P7 billion to solve the traffic mess? I have my own wish list to ease our traffic problems. I just hope that it matches the plans of Mayor Osmeña.

But before he puts forward any new plans, allow me to suggest that the mayor should concentrate or focus on projects during his term that never took off! My favorite topic since 2000 was the building of the parallel road to Escario Street. This was sent to the DPWH during our stint at the Regional Development Council-7 but somehow the DPWH never cared to prioritize it. Mind you, when we proposed that parallel road, traffic was not so bad in Esca-rio Street as it is today. So will we see that road constructed?

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