

The grandfather and grandson Cebu City mayors

CEBUPEDIA - Clarence Paul Oaminal - The Freeman

Cebu City have had two sets of father and son Mayors, they were Sergio "Serging" Chiong Veloso Osmeña and Tomas R. Osmeña and Ramon Duterte and Ronald Duterte.

Serging Osmeña, son and namesake of Don Sergio Suico Osmeña was born on December 4, 1916 and was the first elected Cebu City Mayor. He was elected Cebu City Mayor in 1955, 1959, 1963, 1967 and 1971.

Serging also belongs to the Father and Son Governors of Cebu, his father Don Sergio Osmeña became Governor in 1904, while he was also elected Governor when he defeated Dr. Manuel Alesna Cuenco, who was incumbent Governor of Cebu in 1953 and son of long time Governor Mariano Jesus Cuenco who also became Senate President.

The son of Serging by the name of Tomas dela Rama Osmeña who was born on July 26, 1948 was elected Cebu City Mayor in 1988, the first election after EDSA People Power in 1986. Tomas known by friends as Tommy served as Cebu City Mayor from 1988 to 1995. In his respite in politics, his Vice Mayor, Atty. Alvin Biano Garcia was elected Cebu City Mayor from 1995 to 2001. Tomas retook the position of Mayor in 2001 until 2010, making him the longest serving Cebu City Mayor.

Tomas was elected Congressman of the Cebu City South District in 2010, a position vacated by Atty. Antonio "Tony" Veloso Cuenco, the Veteran Congressman, who was elected Representative in 1965 of the old 5th District of Cebu and later as the first Congressman of the Cebu City South District in 1988. Tomas lost to Atty. Michael Lopez Rama in the last election held on May 13, 2013. Presently the two are both aspirants for mayor of Cebu City.

Serging Osmeña, who while being a congressman delivered a speech in the Halls of Congress on June 20, 1963 attacked the fellow Bisaya and Boholano President, Carlos Polistico Garcia, the latter was also married to Oponganon, Leonila Dimataga. The brother of Leonila by the name of Mariano Dimataga holds the title as the Last Mayor of the Municipality of Opon and the First Lapulapu City Mayor.

On July 18, 1960, a Special Committee of his fellow Congressmen found Congressman Serging guilty of serious disorderly behavior for attacking President Garcia.

The second father and son Cebu City Mayors were Atty. Ramon Duterte, who though not elected as Mayor became Cebu City Chief Executive when Mayor Serging Osmeña vacated the position to run for Congress. Atty. Ramon who was Vice Mayor of Serging in the 1955 elections assumed the position of mayor in September 13, 1957 and held the position until December 31, 1959.

The son of Ramon by the name of Ronald (born January 15, 1934) also became a Mayor by succession when he succeeded Dr. Florentino Solon who vacated the position in 1983. Atty. Ronald held the position until 1986, when elected positions in the country were replaced by Officer in Charge more known as OIC in 1986 by order of President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino.

A street in Barangay Guadalupe has been named in honor of Mayor Ramon Duterte, this was by virtue of City Ordinance 719, it was approved by Mayor Eulogio Enriquez Borres on August 11, 1971, the Secretary to the Mayor then was Ribomapil Estrelloso Holganza.

[email protected].

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