'My brother is not a pig!'

My brother is not a pig! There goes the immortal line of Ms. Nora Aunor in her 1976 multi-awarded film Minsa'y Isang Gamu-Gamo (Once a Moth). Her role is a nurse who dreams of moving to the US but when her brother is killed, her ideas changed.

The film criticizes American military presence in the Philippines. The line has an underlying protest to the American way of regarding Filipinos at that time. In this context when one is likened to a pig, it connotes an unseemly regard for someone. It is an animal that its main purpose of being fattened is to be butchered later on. Incapacitated to reason out and decide and so there is no other purposeful reason for living.

This is the ultimate sentiment when one or a certain group is likened to or regarded as worse than the animals. When Manny Paquiao was asked about his stand on same-sex marriage, he voiced out his opposition. And in a democratic country, one can freely express one's opinion on certain issues. Though a certain issue may be viewed like a double-edged sword, it would now depend on how one defends his or her stand. But when it reaches to the point of comparing a rational being to that of a lower form of animal is absolutely intolerable. It is without doubt because it touches the sensibilities of a certain group.

The congressman has made known to be a renewed man whose pronouncements at some point would always make reference to biblical teachings. And there's nothing wrong with this. It just shows how grounded he is on his views when backed with biblical morals. But with issues that have long-standing struggle for society's recognition, it is as if he is threading a very thin line. Because in this case, defending one's stand requires deliberate research, utmost social awareness, and above all, sensibility.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender or LGBT may be considered a marginalized group but their concerted voice can have great impact to one's political ambition. Though he has right away asked for an apology but as the saying goes damage has been done. Celebrities have right away given their opposite views and disagreements.

We can have our stand on certain issues. And we are expected to be always on the affirmative side. There are just times what we need to voice out and defend our views. However in doing so, we can disagree without necessarily putting one in a demeaning end. We can be in the other side but at the same time maintain our respect for the other side. We can disagree but remain respectful to one's dignity as equal individuals. We are all created equal in the eyes of our God. And whoever treats one as second class or of lower rank is a great disrespect to the Creator.

To be against of the same sex marriage may solicit unfavorable support from the LGBT. We do not have control over what others believe but at least respect remains. The social teachings of the church dictate that there is an inherent dignity of each one of us. And regardless of background, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, and sex, one is entitled for his or her inherent dignity for he or she is created in His image and likeness.

Times have changed. There are just practices and views that have evolved through time. There are strong beliefs that have been held for so long. And when reassessed vis-à-vis contemporary conventions they are not anymore taking hold on to their original contexts. But respect does.


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