Grateful and blessed

The 51st International Eucharistic Congress from January 24-31, 2016, is directly or in some way affecting us. Yet it is something that we have to regard as a blessing-to the Filipinos, and especially to us Cebuanos.  I would like to share my personal reason why Cebu has been chosen as venue for the IEC. This is a plain and simple reason, a common knowledge, and I may not share the same reason with those who decided the event to be held here.

The majority of Cebu population is Roman Catholic, roughly 95% of Cebuanos manifest in one way or another such great deal of religiosity. The recent Sinulog has shown the unparalleled Cebuano religious devotion that the world has so much admired. Religion has interplayed Cebuanos' social and cultural undertakings. In every celebration of life, we take reference to our deep-rooted piety. This making Cebu as the capital of the Catholic faith and by virtue of being the first Christian city, the first capital of the Spanish East Indies, and the birthplace of Christianity and the Philippine Church.

No less than most admired Pope John Paul II, in his Homily for Families in Cebu (February 19, 1981), called the island as the birthplace of Christianity in the Philippines.  

We are just grateful and blessed for the Eucharistic Congress is a celebration what we will count decades and lucky if we can still experience its next episode in our country. And for this year, let's show to the whole world the spirit and faith that we Cebuanos are known for. The inconveniences, if there are, are just temporary. We will all rise up to the occasion by showing to the world that we are a people of strong faith. And this occasion reaffirms and strengthens it.                           

At least a whole week of interruption of our usual activities, classes, business transactions, among others, but these temporary routines could not surpass the religious and the enduring personal, social and cultural benefits that we can derive from the event. Little sacrifices, if there are, like for others because some roads shall be blocked to give way for major activities. Classes shall also be suspended so this would mean our children missing the opportunity to learn in school. But all these measures are necessary for the successful holding of the event. For sure making this celebration a legacy of this generation and so future generation can look back and appreciate what we have done.

The opportune time is now on our taking. We have been preparing for the past years, months, weeks and days. And more than the preparation and the actual event itself, the greater challenge for all of us is to live by the graces and lessons of the Eucharistic Congress. Love, compassion, unity and God-centeredness are all lessons for us to embrace. We may be swayed or fooled by the lures of the present time but hopefully we remain steadfast and committed to our faith that everything we do is guided by our ultimate purpose of being a blessing for others. This is after all what the Lord wants us to do.

God's word through the bible tells us that "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit one's soul?" May this occasion be a reminder to all of us that beyond secular preparations, first and foremost is the spiritual preparation.      

God calls us for a special gathering-truly special for His children that He loves unconditionally. Let us take this magnificent occasion to heed His call. It may be just a weeklong celebration but such gathering and the lessons should be lived by every day of our lives-and forever. 

The theme "Christ in You, Our Hope of Glory", derived from the Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians, Chapter 1 verse 27, calls us to have Christ in us as we also offer to Him all our dreams and hopes.  Let's give thanks for all the blessings we have received, challenges that turned to opportunities, trials that made us victors and better persons.

To God be the glory. Let's celebrate and give thanks!



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