Anti-suicide wires

BARBED WIRES.  An Ear informer reacted on the news in The Freeman that the Cebu Provincial Board has urged the city governments of Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue to install barbed wire fences along the sides of the old and new Mandaue-Mactan bridges to prevent people from climbing to commit suicided. "Malipay ang mga hardware kay mahalin nang ilang mga barbed wires,  pero maguol ang maghikog kay maglisod na sila og ambak kun naa nay barbed wires," he said.

WATCHERS. But the same Ear informer said that the best thing that the two local government units could do is to deploy anti-suicide watchers who will shoo away people who would attempt to jump off the bridge. He said: "Kun maghikog, bisan buliton pa na'g barbed wires ang tibuok bridge, mangita gyud og paagi aron maka-ambak. Watcher gyud ang mamadlong kay dili man na mamadlong ang barbed wires."

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