
I was listening to Rev. Fr. Leonardo Polinar's "True Vine" program on CCTN-47 last night and heard him say: "We arrived in this world with nothing and will bring nothing with us when we leave this world."


Father Polinar, a popular Charismatic priest, said everything we own today is owned by God. We are caretakers of God's possessions. I agreed in silence but believing that some caretakers are smarter than others. They know how to take advantage of the properties God owns-- like the shopping malls, condominiums, other buildings, beach resorts, etc.


Of course, these smart caretakers of God's properties can't bring these properties with them when they leave. But then, smart as they are, they can enjoy the things entrusted to them as caretakers and God the loving God that He is, wouldn't mind.


Gays are now admitted to the Philippine Military Academy. Reactions to the news item about this new PMA policy vary from funny to plain shaking of the head. One comment: "Basin mosamot ka huyang ang atong military." Another comment: "Basin baya makapahuyang sa Abu Sayyaf."


Yesterday (July 26/15) I sat in front of my tv set for three hours to witness the opening of World Games in Los Angeles. Yes, three hours not to watch the games but to wait for the Phl delegation to pass by. It was really no big deal but that's what I often do during openings of international sports events. It always makes me feel proud seeing the Phl flag among the flags of other nations.


I heard on tv that a new national basketball league has been organized. It is called Countride Basketball League. This league, I heard, will be made up of teams manned by collegiate players who failed to make it in the pro league. I have no other information about the CBL but I welcome its birth. I have high hopes for its success if it will operate like the now defunct MBA, with regular radio-tv coverage.

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