This year's Holy Week

 The Lenten season is observed every year but this year's Holy Week is special in many ways for us.

If it will continue its present path, Typhoon Maysak or Chedeng may make its strong presence in our country, via Surigao to Luzon. This typhoon has already brought so much destruction in Guam. Best for all to be prepared as early as possible, than sorry. We pray our country and our people are spared the wrath of this forecasted typhoon.

Then, by April 4, an  "unusually brief" lunar eclipse is reported to take place with "the first shadows visible at 5:35 pm Manila time and the total eclipse to begin at 7:34 pm Manila time". This must be a very extraordinary view to experience since the moon is now on its way to being full this week. Remember to find time to watch this heavenly spectacle this Holy Saturday!

Several parts of Visayas also experienced a moderately strong earthquake last Monday - a rather unusual way of being jolted out of the ordinary, at the start of Holy Week.

Filipinos spend time during Holy Week in many ways.

The most common is to have family reunions in hometowns, thanks to the long non-working holidays for the working members of the family. Children and students have already started their long summer vacation but Holy Week break with the nuclear family and/or the extended clan is always one to look forward to. The beaches are expected to be favorite destinations as well. Rather than a mere solemn observation of this special week, many will see so much happy, boisterous, laughter-filled catching up with friends and relatives. Add to the happy reunion the delicious food and drinks to be shared this special week. It is holy in the sense of precious family/clan reunions shared by the Lord for many to cherish this week.

There is the solemn observation of this week as well. The Visita Iglesia, the procession, the washing of the feet- these are some of the practices that will be observed by many.  Definitely, so much prayers and reflection time will be spent by those who will spare time to "retreat" from their regular schedule, to take time to connect even more with God for many reasons: supplication, confession, reconciliation, thanksgiving, worship.

This week reminds us about God's redemptive love for us- He gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ, that we may all be saved and restored to God our Father.

Before Jesus Christ took up His cross, He made sure He will forever be with us, each day, through the Eucharist. His last supper on earth became our continuing nourishment forever in this world. Take this bread which is My Body and this wine, My Blood- beautiful reminders of God's care and presence for and with all those who believe.

At His crucifixion, His pain is offered for everyone's gain. The Cross beautifully sums up the depth, the breadth, the width, the height of God's love for us all. Christ on the Cross, His death - poignant, sad on the human level but perfect, redemptive and glorious salvation for all on the spiritual level.

No life without death, no resurrection without crucifixion, no salvation without the cross, no redemption without love. So much profound lessons and reflections that Holy Week shares with us year in and year out to recharge and renew us for another new year, for another new season of our life.

Our sister Len, now spending eternal holy days with the Lord, would have by now sent us regular reminders about the start of the Divine Mercy Novena from April 3, Good Friday and to end by April 11 before the Divine Mercy Sunday by April 12. For those interested about the novena, what it is, what prayers to say per day, please refer to

May all of us have a meaningful encounter and renewal with the Lord during this year's Holy Week!

May those who are grieving be consoled to know that their loved ones are now enjoying their best Holy Week now with the Lord up above.

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