Caring and nurturing

More than 160 delegates from  various continents are now gathered in Okayama Convention Center in Japan for the 9th Global RCE Conference. Delegates from Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Americas, and Africa have taken the same journey towards education for sustainable development.

Each RCE (regional center of expertise on ESD) has been screened and accredited by the United Nations University that was tasked by the United Nations to educate (provide information, raise awareness, share experiences, practices, and insights) towards sustainable development, protective of nature and people locally and globally, and inclusive, participative, deliberative, and effective for all.

The journey to a better world may be shared by all the 129 global RCEs but each of the RCEs has to continue to navigate to reach the goal of a sustainable, inclusive development within their unique socio-cultural local and regional contexts and landscapes.

The journey is a caring and nurturing campaign to engage every one to provide and care for all by protecting nature and people across generations.

The Decade for Education for Sustainable Development  decided by the United Nations started in 2004 and is now on its last year. Are the global RCEs for ESD now on the dusk of their journey?

So far, the conference participants are saying no- we are instead at the dawn of another decade to venture into another stage of the same journey. The global participants are upbeat- let us move on but let us agree to consolidate the strengths, the challenges , the best practices and share with all. Then have effective, honest assessment that will guide all to move forward beyond the past and on  to the future.

Engage the youth, put on the gender lens and remember the children and youth, the elderly and the people with disabilities. Assist the newer, younger as well as the challenged RCEs, the successful, older RCEs were reminded.

Definitely, so much more is to be done even as some significant steps have been taken.

The global journey to care and nurture people and our earth is still on. March 2015 is the next proposed date to dialogue and to collaborate together locally, regionally, and globally to be hosted by RCE-Cebu and RCE-Bohol!

The RCE-Okayama hosted this 9th Global RCE conference with so much care for all delegates. Words of gratitude are not enough to extend to all the volunteers, staff and officials of Okayama and RCE-Okayama. Your beautiful, warm, and sincere care will forever be remembered! Thank you very much Okayama!


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