PEPP, Politics & Youth Act Now join hands for peace

We, the Philippine Ecumenical Peace Platform, Politics and Youth ACT NOW!, have banded together for this forum, to show our united and unequivocal support to the growing call for the resumption of formal peace talks between the Government of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. This is an expression of our belief that peace can be attained through principled negotiations and our way of educating our youth on the GPH-NDFP peace process.

We are concerned by the continuing impasse that has started in June 2011, after a very optimistic start. We are equally concerned about the continuing unpeace in our midst which further breeds dissent. As the impasse drags on, there will be more lives lost as a result of the unresolved conflict, and many will be from among the nation's young, the future of our country.

We recognize that the road to a just and lasting peace is complex. But, we are certain that it is not impossible to go through. We thus also recognize the long arduous work done by both parties to establish mutually agreed principles or framework upon which the peace negotiations are built and to craft agreements. In the last 22 years of negotiations between the two parties, 17 agreements anchored on The Hague Joint Declaration were forged which are ingredients in achieving a just and lasting peace in the country. A breakthrough is the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, which, if fully implemented, will help in lessening the violence on the ground and mitigate the impacts of the war.

This activity is also our way of commemorating the International Day of Peace last September 21. On this date, the United Nations issued the "declaration on the right to peace" which affirmed peace as a sacred right of all people and a primary prerequisite for the material wellbeing, development and the progress of countries.

We reiterate our appeal to both parties to return to the negotiating table, respect previous agreements, and address the roots of the armed conflict. As Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu has stated:

"If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies."

We recognize that each party is the enemy of the other, but for the sake of the youth, uphold this sacred right to peace and help stop the loss of untold lives. Resume the formal peace talks now. We owe it to our country's future.

Issued and signed on this day, 25 September  2014.


Bishop Deogracias S. Iniguez Jr., D.D. - PEPP

Mr. Jose Paulo Domingo-PEPP

Ms. Abby Bollosa-Youth Act Now!


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