K-12 and collegiate concerns

The K to 12 is a modernization of the Basic Education curriculum by adding two more years and equipping them with the proper Technical Vocational Skills for employment (DepEd, 2012). It introduces the concept of Junior and Senior High School to the basic educational sphere. The movement is perceived to have full effect come 2016 and local universities are preparing for the possible outcome.

These outcomes are born out of the fear of change and the unknown. Gullas (2012) says that K to 12 is a two step backwards in the educational system for it misses the following concepts: affordability, availability of classrooms, and the glaring lack of competent teachers in the public landscape. It should be noted that the Gullas family owns the University of the Visayas that bills itself as the "first university in Cebu." It offers basic education, tertiary education, graduate and post-graduate education. Could it be possible that such statement was made on the pretense of an assumption that there will be a drop of college enrollees?

Pazzibungan (2013) quotes Patricia Liquana, Commission on Higher Education Chair: "There's no solution yet. Obviously we accept it as a problem. But K to 12 was necessary and therefore there will be some sacrifices entailed. What we're trying to do now is to make sure those sacrifices aren't too big."

Indeed apprehensions are present in the field of tertiary education. Most college teachers fear redundancy come 2016 and may fear outright unemployment. So where does this leave the college teacher?

It is a well known fact the basic requirement for tertiary employment is a Master Degree. Little is said of the License Examination for Teachers, save for those in the teachers in the professional education side of college. It is then up to local colleges and universities to prepare their teachers by giving a continuous education and further upgrading their skill, competencies. It is never enough to be satisfied and to be complacent with knowledge.

After all, as a famous educator once said "Humility is the mother of all learning." As teachers, we have to prepare for the unknown by continuing to learn and grasp knowledge.


DepEd (2012). The K to 12 Basic Education Program. Retrieved from http://www.gov.ph/k-12/#Features Gullas, J.R. (2012). DepEd K+12 initiative: Two steps backward. Retrieved from http://www.philstar.com/letters-editor/736155/depeds-k12-initiative-two-steps-backward Pazzibungan, D. (2013). ChEd lays out new GE subjects for colleges, universities with K+12 program. Retrieved from http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/382497/ched-lays-out-new-ge-subjects-for-colleges-universities-with-k12-program

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