Righteous senses

Think what is right

Feel what is right

View what is right

Listen what is right

Speak what is right

Do what is right


Rightly we think

Rightly we feel

Rightly we view

Rightly we hear

Rightly we speak

Rightly we do


Learn to think

Appreciate to feel

View to see

Listen to hear

Express to speak

Explore to do


Everything is alright

If you start it right

Right is a light

Rays to might..

Hold it tight

Morally upright.


I react, as I hear the sound of life,

I reflect, as I taste the series of experiences,

I breathe, as I smell the beauty of exposure,

I appreciate, as I see the rainbow of every vision,

I inspire, co'z you touch my heart.


Share it now... but how?

Appreciate that… but what?

Do then… but when?

Start to try… but why?

Embedded with prayer… but where?

Here! In the world of sphere…


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