On reading newspapers

Reading newspapers nowadays has become less popular especially for the members of the present generation who are so hooked with the information technology.

As a teacher, I can only attest to the truth of my experience about newspaper reading. I find some teachers of Social Studies subject assigning their students to cut current event materials in the newspapers for discussion. There are also segment of readers who would take the newspaper pages for updates of their favorite celebrities, be it local or foreign.

I realized that I somehow cannot blame the non-interest of some on reading because most newspapers, both local and national, have contents written with word combinations that may not arouse the reader's interest. I for one would sometimes shut myself from what I am reading if I find it somehow "too intellectual."

Newspapers should be written for the general audience. It has to be friendly to everyone, most especially to those whose comprehension level is still at its basic.

And it is where I should congratulate The Freeman because even if your paper is physically 'less colorful'  than the other local dailies, the contents are written comprehensively but in a very down-to-earth manner, making it easy to understand and suited for light, relaxing, but informative reading.

It is reader-friendly newspaper!


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