Stopping short

President Barack Obama of the United States has just left the country after a 2-day official visit. The Philippines was the last leg of his four nation Asian tour. Preparations such as a no-fly zone and the closing of streets were made to make the visit as seamless as possible, amid the protests from the usual groups with the usual reasons. The country anticipated his visit amid current problems with China concerning territorial disputes. But after the usual pleasantries and praises were done, Obama reiterated America's commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty forged between the two countries post World War II. With the signing of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement ;where US military forces will be granted access to limited bases in the country, it would seem that our problems with China may be over.

But President Obama stopped short of saying America would help the Philippines out in the event of an escalation of its current row with China over territorial waters. In fact, instead of answering questions regarding the matter head on, he skimmed around the issue by saying that America doesn't take specific positions on the disputes between nations, and would rather have peaceful resolutions to conflict. They would defend the country in the event of a direct hostile attack, but that's it. As for territorial disputes, they would rather watch from the sidelines. Much different to what he said in Japan when asked about its own territorial disputes with China. He took a position on that issue.

In the end, those who wanted a firm commitment of support and even action from the US regarding Chinese arrogance and continued harassment of Philippine fishing vessels and the like did not hear what they wanted to hear. And what we heard, China definitely heard as well. As to how they would read into Obama's visit and speeches on his visit, we definitely cannot say. It may embolden them, or make them cautious. Either way, we seem to be standing alone on this issue.

I really wish there was a much clearer, and firmer statement from President Obama on the issues with China. While other American officials make their opinions known, out rightly condemning Chinese actions of late, Obama seems to be playing the cautious diplomat. The problem is, it may be at our expense. If China exploits this, we may find ourselves painted into a corner.

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