Is it finished?

"It is finished," the famous last words of Jesus on the Cross (John 19-30).

His mission of love completed, "Jesus cried out in a loud voice, Father, in Your Hands I place my spirit." '(Luke 23:46). With His last human breath, Jesus entrusted His spirit back in the hands of God the Father.

Jesus completed His role for our redemption so that like Him, we can all place our spirit back in the Hands of our God the Father, when our human task for Him is finished, completed.

With Jesus's human death and resurrection, our divine and eternal life with God is assured. God's plan fulfilled, His gift of love for us all sealed and guaranteed.

"Dying, You destroyed our death. Rising, You restored our life, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, come in glory!"

Resurrection came, with much joy, gratitude, and celebration. As we move on beyond Easter Sunday, let us share with you our thoughts about the events of Christ's short life on earth, especially the last moments of His mission to save us all from death and to restore us all to God the Father with whom life is eternal and love, unending.

This year's Last Supper reading stirred mixed emotions among us. Christ Himself may have also experienced mixed feelings as He was about to leave His beloved disciples and people He loved, as He thought about the human pain of betrayal, the agony in the garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the heavy cross, and finally being nailed to and dying on the cross.

He had the choice, with free will accorded by God the Father to all beings, not to proceed with the divine plan of salvation. He could have bargained with God the Father to take away the cup of suffering and crucifixion. Instead, however, Jesus Christ chose to take the path of love, by sacrificing Himself so that humankind will be restored and returned to His Father.

So many beautiful lessons to pick up from Jesus, how He lived His short life on earth and how he spent the last moments of His life.

As Fr. Chihara, our new parish priest in Tsukuba shared in his sermon for Holy Thursday, Jesus left us with so much inheritance which we all may not have yet recognized and claimed till now.

His life of selfless love, stemming from His love and obedience for His Father, is one valuable inheritance He shared with us who are God's children. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 'Love your neighbor as yourself." ( Mark 12:30-31).

Another inheritance He shared is His continuing presence with us through the Holy Eucharist. He is always with us in His Banquet where He shares Himself with us. Jesus never left us- He is always with us. "Take and eat this bread, this is my body. Drink this wine, this is my blood poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matthew 26:26-28)

And this added valuable inheritance: serving others, being a servant for others. How is this an inheritance for us? Let us recall John's readings:

Simon Peter asked, "are you going to wash my feet, Lord? He declared," Never at any time will you wash my feet! "Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." ( John 13:6,8).  Other versions write this particular reply of Jesus as follows:  "Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me."

After Jesus had washed their feet, he put his outer garment back on and returned to his place at the table. "Do you understand what I have just done to you?" You call me Teacher and Lord and it is right that you do so, because that is what I am. I, your Lord and Teacher have just washed your feet.  You, then, should wash one another's feet. I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you… Now that you know this truth (that no slave is greater than His master, and no messenger is greater than the one who sent him), how happy you will be if you put it into practice." (John 13:12-17).

Jesus was born into this world to share God's love, God's continuing presence, and God's humble service for all. Shall we allow Him to live on in our lives and allow Him to continue God's mission to return us all back to our Father? Shall we live out His legacies and be happy as Christ has promised during His redemptive mission for us all?


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