Badjao girls

BADJAO. Two "lumad Badjao" girls will be graduating from elementary school here this year, courtesy of a Manila-based freelance journalist who spent part of  her earnings from literary contributions from some national publications on the two Badjao girls' schooling.

SCAVENGERS. The two Badjao girls and the journalist first met in Cebu and the writer took a liking for them and decided to put them under her wings, so to speak. A cousin in Mandaue volunteered to help her and things went fine until the two girls completed their elementary schooling.

ILLITERATE.  At the start the two Badjao girls were "extremely illiterate" but now they can read and write. "And their biggest achievement, says their benefactors, is that they can sing the Pambansang Awit, lyrics and all."

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