That sinking feeling



I suggest your Freeman Editorial yesterday (August 28 issue) is wide of the mark and derisory, when remarking that the UK Advisory was based merely on a tip from Mr. Bean.

The U.K. Foreign Office does not dish out idle warnings to its citizens who travel abroad to any country.

Obviously, you have little regard for UK Tourism, for which you have now damaged with your remarks.

As a British citizen who has been living here for nine months a year in the past five years, I am able to make some comparisons and the only boat travel I would take here is the fastcraft trips to and from Bohol. I am well aware if the 'big' ferry problems which occur frequently, each year, here in the Philippines.

Theses ferries are generally overloaded, which only seems to come to light, when accidents occur. The truth is, your ferry system is not safe and poorly managed and I am echoing criticisms from your own columnists which I imagine you do read, occasionally.

Britain is not a place for many ferry trips, other than short haul and some trips to Europe and Ireland with modern, reliable ships.

So your statement that these accidents happen as frequently in Britain and with more casualties, is just nonsense.

The Philippines and its people have many good attributes but your large ferry system is not one of them. Maybe you should consider an apology to the UK.


John Joseph




Good day Father Roy,


Another excellent 'Hints and Traces' with your article of today, September 24.

Supernatural, spirituality have their origin in faith which is the source of life, true life. Faith has to be built on rock, not on sand (Matthew 7:24-27) and we will not tumble down. To my opinion, spirituality will bring us supernatural. How can we acquire spiritual truth, spiritual reality, spiritual experience, spiritual encounter? The answer is: 1) Search of God, 2) Expression of truth. Simply said in one word, FAITH.

Faith is the source and center of all religious life. If good works don't go with faith, it is quite dead (Letter of St James 2:14-18).

It is necessary to have faith to reach the supernatural and to be saved, however following Christ cannot be theoretical; it must be shown in actions, in deeds. The best example of faith is to follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem and be obedient onto death. Are we?


Jean Michaut


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