Gearing for cooperation in evil

WE'VE been warned about this. Since the world cannot help but get complicated, we just have to be ready to live with evil and its increasingly powerful structures sprouting around like mushrooms.


 Some of these immoral structures are already large and well-entrenched in our culture and systems like the old acacia trees that we still see around. They really pose as a tremendous challenge to anyone who wishes to be consistent with his Christian life.


 For sure, the attitude to take toward this unavoidable reality is not to escape from this muddled world. We would be like fish out of water that way. Yes, we might be able to flee from the mud, but then we would die instantly if we are taken out of our proper place.


Neither should our attitude be of just indiscriminately accepting what comes or what is around. We are supposed to be the lord and master of this world in the name of God whose best creature and children we are. And so, we just have to do some discerning, some purifying and some struggling. It cannot be helped.


Christ himself said, "Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves." (Mt 10,16) It's quite a combination to attain. But if we have faith in God and follow what is taught us, we can make it. Truth is we have been provided with more than enough to be able to reach this ideal.


And in another part of the gospel, he also told us to be ready to pluck an eye or cut an arm if these become occasions of sin for us (cfr Mt 5,29-30). We have to expect some pain.


It's foolhardy to think that we can escape from suffering. We would not be realistic if that is our mindset. In fact, Christ told us very clearly that if we want to follow him, we have to deliberately deny ourselves and carry the cross. Of course, we need grace to be able to embrace those words.


Still in one parable of the gospel, Christ praises the wisdom of the unjust steward though not necessarily approving what that steward did. "The lord commended the unjust steward, for as much as he had done wisely: for the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." (Lk 16,8)


The parable encourages us to be shrewd, but with the holy shrewdness of the children of God. Christ clarified that we cannot serve two masters. "You cannot serve God and mammon," he said. (Lk 16,13)


In this regard, it is good that we master the moral doctrine about cooperation in evil. Evil, as we said, is growing around us and has struck deep roots. We have to learn how to deal with it. Obviously, we cannot help but get dirty ourselves, and yet there is also a way to clean up and make up. We just always need to return to God, as often as necessary.


Cooperating in evil happens when one participates, one way or another, in an immoral action of another person. This can either be formal, that is, when the co-operator approves of it also, or material, that is, when the co-operator simply tolerates the act because he somehow cannot escape from it.


Formal cooperation is always sinful and should be avoided. Material cooperation may be lawful and thus can be tolerated, but under certain conditions and precautions. Among these conditions are:


1.) The cooperating act must be, in itself, good or indifferent moral.

2.) The intention of the one cooperating should be good.

3,) There must be a just cause.

4.) And the good effect desired in that cooperation should not be the consequence of the bad effect.


Besides, one should avoid causing scandal and creating occasions of sin for the others. And he should be morally strong not to be affected by the evil he is somehow forced to cooperate materially.


For this, he has to intensify his life of prayers, recourse to the sacraments, doctrinal formation and development of virtues. He should always try, in whatever way he can, to transform the evil into something good.


Nowadays, those who wish to be consistent with their Christianity while working in an environment filled with evil should try to remain there and do whatever they can to purify and transform these evil structures, even if they suffer a lot.


This is what is urgently needed these days. This has to be done always in charity and avoiding bitter zeal.


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Paref-Southcrest School

Banilad, Cebu City


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